Land Resource Management

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Abha Lakshmi Singh

Abha Lakshmi Singh did her B.A. from Allahabad University and M.A. and Ph.D. from aligarh Muslim University. She had a brilliant academic career having obtained Gold Medal in M.A. She joined the Geography Department, AMU as Lecturer in 1978. Presently she is Professor and Chairman of the Department. Prof. Singh specializes in Agricultural and Environmental Geography. Her four books Economics and Geography of Agricultural Land Raclamatio, Problems of Waste Lands Reclamation, Problems of waste Lands in India, Land Resources Management, Agricultural and rural Development and the project (sponsored by International Insitute of Environment, London) are pioneering work in the fields of Agricultural and Environmental Geography. She has travelled abroad widely, delivered a series of lectuers in different Universities of U.S.A. (1984) and attended an International Workship of Planning for Sustainable Urban Development, University of Wales, Cardiff, U.K. (1992). She has been nominated as full Member of International Geographic Union Commission on Marginal and Critical Lands (1997P. She is a prolifcwriter and has published nearly sixty research papers in national and international journals. She has presented papers in both national and international conferences. Several students have objained Ph.D. under her supervision.


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Land Resource Management
1st Ed.
xvi+408 Pp, Tables