The social, economic, political and religious disabilities and discriminations to which hitherto depressed classes were subjected got initial efforts by social reformers towards removal or mitigation of inequalities and overall amelioration of conditions of these people. The pace was slow but determination was firm. After independence not only status, laws and acts were implemented for their general welfare and protection, but programmes in the field of education, occupation, income, housing, health and sanitation were also implemented to bring about change in their social status. In addition, reservations in government jobs and parliament as well as village and city administration have elevated their economic status. The present book makes an in-depth investigation into the welfare measures and resultant status change of Indian Dalits. The book includes views of various communities on the status change of these people. The book is to tremendous use to students, teachers, social organisations, NGOs and general readers.
Social and Cultural Development of Indian Dalits
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Social and Cultural Development of Indian Dalits
1st ed.
ABD Publishers, 2007
viii+386p., Tables.
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