One of the most deplorable things in recent times is that a section of the so-called Muslim intellectuals maintain, or profess to maintain, that Islam has no agreed or standard definition, and thereby seek to belittle the importance and utility of the greatest and most modern religion of the world. The writer of the book intends to present facts and arguments, supported by quotations from the verses of the Holy Qur’an and sayings of the prophet to prove that Islam has been clearly and unmistakably defined and explained by Allah and his apostle, Hadrat Muhammad and all Muslim scholars and divines have agreed on the principles of the religion of Islam. There are some differences of opinion among them in matters of detail, but this does not affect the basic and fundamental definition of this great religion. It is scarcely necessary to say that some persons find pleasure in deceiving or befooling common people by distorting facts and twisting the clear expressions of the Holy Scriptures. Such self-seekers really beguile themselves rather than others.
Hazrat abu Bakr Siddique
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