A C Mittal

26 books
The viewpoint of basic economics the need for microfinance somewhat surprising one of the first lessons in introductory economics is the principle of diminishing marginal returns to capital which says that enterprises with relatively little capital should be able to earn higher returns on their investments than enterprises with a great deal of capital. Poorer enterprises should thus be able to pay banks higher interest rates than richer enterprises. Money should ...
The ideas of the subject gives one an insight into the evolution of economic theory, and the formulation of policies which controlled economic life from earliest time to present day. During the course of first six decades of the last century. Many new changes took place in regard to the nature of the science as well as, in the field of economic analysis. The fundamental changes are, economics has come to be recognised as a pure science. In this volume we would ...
In recent years economic research in countries with planned economies is turning ever greater attention toward optimising foreign trade. Studies are being devoted to such questions as now an optimal commodity composition, as well as an optimal market allocation within the volume of the turnover can be achieved, what the criteria of optimization should be; how the level of the foreign exchange rate should be determined; etc. One of the questions raised by these. ...
Green Revolution is come what a euphonic characterisation, but a economy emerging from a long drak tunnel and seeing the first ray of hope may not be denied an occasional euphonia. Critics have a legitimate duty to draw attention to the limitations and drawbacks of the phenomenon but the manner in which they struck it with hammer and tongs, in an uneasy company of same scholars, did not present a pleasant spectacle. The green revolution, picturised, the heralding ...
The objective of this volume is to make in the book a few of the articles, that represent some of the more worthwhile contributions. These have been screened from an original list of several hundred articles. In the selection of the articles in this volume, I have tried to emphasise the concepts and principles of the rural development and have tried to put more stress on practical development oriented articles. This volume will be a practical help to faculty ...
Issues of urbanisation and economic development are longstanding challenges which today’s society faces. Strategies to build a strong economic background have as undergone some important changes along with the changes in perception of the process of development. The philosophy of economic development is firmly anchored in the vision that growth alone would be a panacea for all social ills. The book in two parts encompasses all important aspects of urbanisation ...
Agricultural development has long been seen as an important factor in development process. The development literature now contains a dosen or so models of early economic growth. These invariably contain agriculture sector, but other remains shadowy; some models depend an specific institutional assumptions about agrive, and a different set of assumptions would lead to quite different results. Existing economic growth models are typically closed-economic models, ...
In Indian Economy government adopted nearly full-scale planning. It sought to plan investment for both public and private sectors. The objectives of all the five year plans in our economy have been basically the national allocation of resources, economic stability, and equitable distribution of wealth and income. As a result of the development plans, some distinct progress has been made in the course of the last three decades, despite the Chinese aggressien and ...
The upanishadic phase ended 600 B.C. and a new phase of Hinduism come into the lime-light which can be said to have associated with great personages; Mahavira and Buddha. Jainism rejected all orthodox philosophies, not only the Vedanic but also the Samkhya doctrine. As a result, here is system viz., Jainism, quite original and indigenous to the soil, which has a rich, vast and multifarious to study Jainism from philosophical point of view but this book is an ...
India virtually lives in its villages and rural development holds a key position in the hierarchy of its developmental goals, The rural economy of India presents unbounded challenges relating to its development and growth. If India’s economic liberalization initiatives haven’t delivered the desired goals; it is because they have largely excluded over 700 million people who live in rural India. Economically empowering India’s rural population will have a ...
Human resources is an increasingly prominent field that is taking shape thought industries and work-places world. Wide. Recognizing the fact that people are a company’s greatest asset, business leaders across the globe are coming to rely more and more upon an effective management policy that applies specifically to the area of human specifically to the area of human resources. With a rapid increase of professionals, generalists and specialists in the area of ...
Advertising is a management Function. While advertising is the event, advertising management is the whole process –a function of marketing starting from market research continuing through advertising management does not stop here. It goes further in regard to evaluation of the whole cost-benefits that were involved in the whole exercise. The present volume is written with the objective of giving students and practitioners the framework and knowledge with which ...
Corporate management is about promoting corporate fairness, transparency and accountability. It is an organizational effort to being in effective and practical improvements in the management process of the corporation. This is done to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in strategy execution. Having your corporate performance managed can drastically improve all areas of your corporation. Effective corporate management can create a positive, professional and ...
Personnel management is concerned with the effective use of the skills of people. They may be salespeople in a store, clerks in an office, operations in a factory, or technicians in a research laboratory. In a business, personnel management starts with the recruiting and hiring of qualified people and continues with directing and encouraging their growth as they encounter problems and tensions that arise in working toward established goals. An efficient personnel ...
The present title Tribal Education, Administration and Development in three volumes is a descriptive analysis of modern education, administration and development among tribals. First volume "Tribal Education in India" throws light on modern education system among the Indian tribes and its impact on their traditional educational institutions i.e. Abors-Mosup, Kuki Zwalbuk, Naga-Morung, Garo-Nokpanti, Oraon-Dhumkuria, Mund-Giti or Gitiora, Gond-Ghotul, ...
The growing Indian economy, which is reinventing itself to face the challenge of globalisation, also needs highly skilled human power to manage its affairs. This requires our education system to address the question of quality and producing trained human power in all disciplines and all subjects that would sustain and enhance our advantage as a nation contribution to the "Gray Revolution". To achieve the objective of higher education must ...
This book in the series on corporate management deals with the highly relevant issue of labour management. The book is a conscientious efforts to familiarise the readers with all that entails smooth management over labour unions, including technical and financial management, recruitment and training, negotiations, pay, working conditions, etc. The emphasis is on presenting a through and comprehensive book into what it means to be a labour manager within a context ...
Biodiversity is the source for much of our natural resources, it is incumbent upon us to make good use of it and give enough attention to the way it is implicated in the matter of environmental conservation. This book, one in the series of books on environmental issues, covers the topic of sustainable use of biodiversity. It brings within its purview matters which are central to sustainable biodiversity use, pertaining particularly to the principles, concepts and ...
With increasing industrialization, urbanization and globalization taking place, sustainable development has rather lost out on any form of the utilization of its perspective. Nonetheless, it is necessary that efforts in this regard be sustained, especially as sustainable development has to be inevitably implemented if we are to take any positive step in the direction of environmental conservation. This book, conceptualized and written as an environment manual, ...
Globalisation poses concerns for environmental stability not just physically, but also within the larger framework of dynamics like attitudes towards environmental issues, sustainable development and conservation. This book, one in the series on the environment, gives due attention to the emerging phenomenon of globalisation and the way it is implicated in bringing changes within the field of environmental issues. It brings within its purview perspectives on the ...
Sustainable development is largely a matter of mere interest and theorizing; a number of factors account for the ways in which it can be practices and are chiefly inclined towards limiting its propagation. As such, sustainable development is a matter of immense interest and concern for environmentalists' resource planners and must needs be look into. This book one in the series on environmental issues brings within its purview the issue of sustainable development ...