A.H. Hashmi

Subtotal: $73.80
Showing all 19 books
Children have always been attracted towards bright colours, various shapes and diverse objects that they see around them. Nature fascinates them. The beautiful birds, animals, flowers and trees fires their imagination and they want to capture it on paper. But how, for all are not artists. Well, this book has been especially developed for those who want to learn and master the art in a fun way. The step-by-step instructions, along with the audio-visual CD, will ...
Communication took a new turn with the development of technology. This book explains the history of its modern day development, as well as mankind’s first initiatives in communication by shouting, drum-beating, flashing light, to creating speech and the art of writing. The author imparts rich information about the multifaceted aspects of communication in a manner to make it easy for the young learners to assimilate the wide scope of this subject. the book also ...
Sound is among the first sensations a baby experiences on entering his new world. The closing of door,the whirring of a fan,the footsteps of visitors-he gradually begins to relate a major part of his experiences to sound. In this book the child would learn about the scientific basis of all sounds whether it is of a violin or a tyre-burst. The young reader is initiated into different scientific developments of sound and their vast range of use in everyday life. ...
The invention of the wheel has played a critical role in the development of human civilization. In fact, the wheel has become the pivot of the whole human world. This book tells of the early initiative of the man in evolving a faster & easier mode of transport, to its present supersonic stage of motion. The book is designed tastefully for the child to enjoy its reading. Large illustrations and simple language would help in quick grasp of the broad subject.
The science of metallurgy is as old as chemistry. Gold was even known in the Neolithic era. Perhaps, gold was the first metal discovered by man. The ancient Egyptians extracted gold by frisking the soil of river Nile. This masterly volume is an excellent contribution to general science for the larger benefit of young scholars. The student will know, in a nutshell, everything he needs to know about gold.
This book appraises the young reader about the progressive development of our world from using primitive tools to modern machines like supercomputers. To inculcate among the young minds the spirit of scientific temperament and inspire them to be the future mantle-bearers of science and technology, this book tells of the concise history of great scientists -their inventions, discoveries and achievements.
Light has always been a mystery for man. This illustrated book tells why ‘light’ is a form of energy and how the early Greek philosophers viewed the visibility of things. Aristotle proved the rectilinear propagation of light and gave the laws of reflection. The young reader would find this volume very informative and concepts of the scientific theories of light and its uses clearly explained in simple language without any technical jargon.
Children have always been attracted towards bright colours, various shapes and diverse objects that they see around them. Nature fascinates them. The beautiful birds, animals, flowers and trees fires their imagination and they want to capture it on paper. But how, for all are not artists. Well, this book has been especially developed for those who want to learn and master the art in a fun way. The step-by-step instructions, along with the audio-visual CD, will ...
The book has been designed to fully acquaint the young inquisitive minds with their own body and its anatomy. The book is replete with large illustrations to help the reader identify parts of human physiology and its functions. It deals with the entire external and internal structure of the human body in a systematic manner.
In the beginning, the Earth was a giant land mass called Pangaea. This book tells the inquisitive little minds that this land mass gradually spilt into different land masses which are called continents today. The author fills the young reader with wonder and awe,as he sweeps him to a guided tour of the hidden mysteries of our wonderful planet. The book is replete with lively illustrations and written in simple and lucid language for proper understanding of the ...
Youngsters have curious and enquiring minds--and if their queries are satisfied at the right time they turn out to be smarter and sharper. This life-science book tells about the early periods of evolution of life with the onset of Archeozoic Era. The Proterozoic Era fossils are our first findings and they are supposed to be of algae or bacteria. However, the Paleozoic Era is considered as the Age of early life. The significant topics discussed,in the language ...
Exploring the frontiers of space has resulted in unravelling of many mysteries of space and enhanced man's knowledge about it. Down the ages people have beheld the mysteries of the Universe with wonder and awe. The incredible vastness of space and its galaxies are in striking contrast to the miniscule man on Earth. But his consciousness continues to extend beyond his mortal frame.He dares to go where no one has gone before! The book contains a concise history of ...
Animals are our constant companion. Without them the ecological balance on earth cannot be maintained, and therefore, life cannot grow or sustain itself. There is also, the cyclic food chain that intricately works as a natural law because of the existence of animal world. The author tells the inquisitive student about two broadly classified groups of animals -the Invertebrates and Vertebrates. He explains the scientific principle of classification into genus, ...
This book acquaints the young reader about the environmental problems looming large on mankind's future survival. In this respect various ways and options available to ecologists for betterment of natural balance and ecological harmony have been discussed. Besides, the author has also explained about many important topics which are currently news for us -besides alternatives, improvements being suggested by the eco-scientists.
Chemistry is considered to be the cornerstone of human civilization. Almost everything depends upon the alchemy of nature. The book explains in detail about the various developmental stages of chemistry over the ages. The author brings to the fore abundant historical details in a nutshell to the young learner. Illustrations and tabular details provide clear understanding of this chronology of development. The book focuses on: Forefathers of chemistry; Alchemy; ...
The plant kingdom is unique on this living planet. Plants are,in fact, the first complex forms of life to emerge on this planet. We simply cannot survive without plants. They are a part and parcel of our life and existence. They meet almost all our needs. The author has delved deeply into the subject and brought out the essential botanically aspects and functions of plants to acquaint the budding biologist with secrets of the plant kingdom.
Life of all living beings is dependent on heat and light energy. Also, all types of work need energy. This moot subject has been dealt extensively by the author so as to help the young minds grasp it quickly and easily. Topics discussed include: Energy; Solar energy; Wind generator; Hydro-electric power; Geothermal power; Coal; Mineral oil & petroleum; Fuel gases; Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Reactors.
Force and motion are interrelated factors. In fact, force leads to motion in objects. Also, force can alter the size or shape of an object. These basic questions of physics and their laws are inherent in the Universe. The author here explains to the teenage readers the science behind these principles in an interesting manner. In fact,forty percent space in the book is taken up by illustrations for easy comprehension of scientific explanations.
The perennial desire to express oneself has prompted man to draw and paint the diverse forms of flora and fauna, gods and men, rivers and mountains-in a nut-shell the entire universe. The book is divided into 15 chapters, and as the title suggests, it is planned as a 15-days course wherein all the relevant aspects of drawing and painting have been explained in simple and lucid language with hundreds of illustrations and diagrams. The students while pursuing the ...