A K Bhattacharya

Showing all 8 books
Tourism is the most rapidly growing and biggest civilian industry in the world and ecotourism forms the largest proportion of the present tourism. Since ecotourism involves maximum number of stakeholders, from local communities to the corporate world, proper capacity building of the major stakeholders for effective planning and management of ecotourism has become a prerequisite for the sustainable ecotourism development. This book attempts to fill in this gap. ...
This training manual, an outcome of the research project on 'Community based bio-resource conservation for the livelihood security', has been developed for the capacity building of the local level knowledgeable persons, especially the youth. The manual helps them understand the process, the collection of the data on biodiversity, preparation of PBR, the relevant tools and methodologies and monitoring of the changes in the biodiversity. It also provides schedules ...
This book records the personal experiences of an intrepid wildlifer. Presenting thirty-seven true wildlife stories, it shows intimate glimpses of the whole gamut of wildlife management, problems and on-the-spot solutions devised by the forest officers within the framework of law, with great devotion and application, Also, it provides deep insight into the various shades of working of a wildlifer.
This book will be of some help to people who are generally interested to give relief to people suffering from different maladies. The methods given in this book are very simple and anybody can apply them without the fear of any aggravation or harmful after-effects. Every thing given in this book has been written on personal experience and hence it is quite possible that many statements may not agree with other books. I pay more importance to personal experience ...
In this edition once again the system adopted in the first edition has been adopted. I have given the most useful potency for each mixture and also its dosage. This was done due to popular demand by all practitioners to give potency for each mixture. In spite of this I would again say that these mixtures can be prepared in any potency and they will be found as useful as in the potency given in the book. In my Monday Charitable Clinic I do not have scope for any ...
The papers in this volume, presented at a workshop, organised by the Indian institute of forest management, Bhopal, analyse the various issues pertaining to participation of communities, individuals and corporates in sustainable development of forests and wastelands. The contributors discuss at length the stakes of local communities, leasing of forest lands vis-a-vis forest conservation act, sharing of produce and profit, and socio-economic and ecological ...