A.P. Sharma

Showing all 12 books
From college and university students, to researchers, policy makers, managers and also nature lovers of the country and abroad, the book fulfills their long awaited demands for a publication which combines all the existing and new, updated research in an engaging way, making reading and understand more interesting. Consisting of 260 pages, the book has numerous graphics and diagrammatic illustrations, colored photo plates and maps, providing a knowledge bank on ...
This collection of various articles emphasizes the concept of Biodiversity: Strategies for conservation. This is a sincere effort to provide up dated information on this newly age old but threatened biological science. The twenty first century is likely to pose before us serious challenges of environmental hazards. Environmental degradation is enjoined with serious threats to the very existence of life. The present volume depict the various aspects on ...
Meera's life story listed in this book is more than a historical event. It contains her emotional, religious and devotional character, which seems to be unparalleled in every aspect. Her life is so fascinating that it will continuously sustain the reader's interest and create a desire in him/her to finish it in one sitting. Meera wrote around more than 1312 pads (poems) in her own language. Some of her pads that the author has translated into English will surely ...
This book seeks to redefine Hinduism in modern perspective. Tracing the historical background of the religion, starting from the Indus Valley Civilization through Vedic and Brahmanic periods to the wise of Hinduism, both classical and modern, it explains in detail how the Hindu beliefs have been emanated. The book unfolds the best in Hinduism, along with its certain inadequacies. It also contains opinions of a large number of people focusing on what a Hindu is ...
Presented in the most lucid style, the purpose of the book is not merely to know the characteristics of the self. It is also to find out about the truth of existence and beyond death,as well as to learn the process to knowledge. Only then the individual would discover the reasons for his selfishness, hatred, anger, fear that he cradles everyday in his life. The issue to have the knowledge of the `self` is very obscure. Yet the ideas presented in the book are not ...
Feelings like these can crop up at various stages of a relationship, from pre-marital and newly wed to married for a number of years. These are all clear warning signs that require action. Wake up before you break up. Smoothen out the rough spots to save, strengthen and enrich your relationship by making the small changes in your perspective and attitude. Discover the secrets of happy married life. Discover the magic potion that lies in a little give, and a ...
If happiness were a myth, the Buddha would never be able to accomplish it. Neither Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Gandhi and others, who followed the road to impersonal love, would ever have got it. True,the path leading to impersonal love is certainly difficult, but nothing can be achieved without following the right path and the right means. Happiness can be attained if one can cultivate silence of the mind. That silence can be attained by proper awareness. It can ...
Proper knowledge of English usage is a great requirement for all those who are desirous to be successful in life. Besides, for all those people who are in need of work or assignments in companies, agencies or other places, this knowledge is of utmost importance. English is mostly considered as an important medium of communication. It is, therefore, imperative to learn its correct usage. It has been observed that students often get confused while writing or ...
The book aims to display uncommon expressions that look common but are uncommon in usage and meaning. The uncommon expressions are interwoven within the conversations fitted into suitable situations. Dialogues containing common and uncommon expressions, phrases and idioms are developed in a most fascinating style displaying a rich vocabulary and appropriate language that provides a modern touch. In this respect, the reader will have a face to face chance to ...