Showing all 7 books
"The agricultural and forestry processing wastes (lignocellulosics) are an important material resource and energy source. However, if untreated they can pose a danger to the environment and potentially valuable resources. Microorganisms contribute significantly to the problem of biomass degradation, its recycling and conservation. In the recent years, an increasing interest shown by the textile, food, feed & pulp and paper industries in the microbial and ...
Drought is a natural hazard characterized by lower than expected or lower than normal rainfall having slow but widespread impact. This book focus on drought management and mitigation in agriculture and allied sectors. The chapters cover Basic concepts, assessment, monitoring, forecasting, early warning, vulnerability and adaptation to drought and mitigation and management strategies. Management of different land use systems under drought and finally socio ...
This book on forage grasses and legumes is an attempt in documenting basic information about important species of grasses and legumes of both tropical and temperate region. Attempt has also been made to present information about their origin, morphological description, reproduction, chromosome number, seed characteristics, adaptability, herbage production and herbage quality. It is hoped that these information would be helpful in knowing our forage grasses and ...
We feel great pleasure in presenting a book entitled 'Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry' for B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. classes of all Indian Universities. The syllabi of most of the universities have been rapidly revised in recent years. Recent developments have been included with classical concepts in inorganic Chemistry making the subject more difficult and extensive. So as to make the subject simple, lucid and exciting, each chapter in this text has been ...
We feel great pleasure to present the book entitled "Surface Chemistry" for meeting the requirements of B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Engineering students of all Indian universities. The aim of this book is the presentation within a reasonably small size, of the more important facts and theories relating to the adsorption or surface chemistry. This book was planned and written with the assumption that the reader would have had no previous knowledge of ...
It is a matter of great pleasure to present the Book entitled, "Photochemistry" for meeting the longfelt requirements of B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Engineering students of all Indian Universities. Photochemistry is not only responsible for our existence in the universe but also finds a wide variety of applications in various areas such as chemical, textile, electronic, electrical, photography, printing, metallurgical, medical and geological ...
It is a matter of great pleasure to present the book entitled "Textbook of Nuclear Chemistry". It is believed that this book will be benefitial for the students of B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and students of other disciplines also of all Indian Universities. The book has been written strictly according to latest syllabi of all Indian Universities. The prime aim of this book is to cover whole developments of interest in subject with basic concepts on the ...