Showing all 4 books
Farm Management is an important aspect of farm technology, but perhaps the most neglected area of India forming. Conventional wisdom continues to rule decision making in Indian Agriculture, where the focus is more on ‘subsistence’ rather than ‘commerialisation’. This aspect of technology calls for radical transformation in the outlook of the former and the Rural Management has an indispensable role to play if the target growth rate of 8 to 10 percent is ...
Natural ad environmental resources have three economic roles: Waste disposal services, related to the environment’s assimilative capacity; natural resource inputs into production and directly consumed life support services and aesthetic amenities. The natural and environmental resource input function is central to understanding the relationship between economic growth and environment. Water, soil, air, biological, forest and fisheries resources are productive ...
Economic Integration among Asian countries is getting prominence through various economic cooperation initiatives. While these initiatives, emerged from existing trade pacts, are limited to largely trade in goods and investment flows, some of them do go beyond and attempt to delve into deeper cooperation by way of encompassing issues, such as government regulations, trade facilitation, customs procedures, etc. In the backdrop of increasing tendencies towards ...
Micro Economics is the branch of economics, which investigate economic policy in terms of individual decision-making, for example supply and demand, competition, capital flows, government and corporate finance, and income distribution. Micro Economics is the study of economic behaviour of individual consumers, firms and industries and distributions of total production and income among them. It considers individuals both as supplier of land, labour and capital and ...