Ajay Kumar Singh

Showing all 9 books
This well-organized book provides an in-depth coverage of VLSI design engineering, which ranges from CMOS logic to physical design automation. The book begins with a discussion on the structure and operation of MOS as MOSFET is the basic building block for any VLSI design. Then, it goes on to explain the various fabrication methods of MOSFET and CMOS, implementation and properties of MOS inverter circuit, and parasitic parameters and resistances associated with ...
The concept of modernization refers to the process of social change, in which the individual imbibes certain attitudinal cum-personality traits conducive to socio-economic and political development as well as individual self actualization. These traits have been labelled as modernity. The tribal population has low health status and health modernity because of their ruralness, illiteracy, poverty and not because of their tribalness.
Himalaya is known as the abode of Lord Siva. Its cultural, social, religious and political significance is so vast that it allured the foreigners in the ancient past and continues to entice people from every nook and corner even today. The present book Antiquities of Western Himalayas has dealt with the cultural aspects of the western Himalayas. An art heritage may belong to a particular region yet it transcends all physical and language barriers to become a ...
An Aesthetic Voyage of Indo Tibetan Painting`: Alchi and Tabo unfolds a fascinating world of Indo Tibetan paintings adorned in the early Buddhist temples of the western Trans Himalayas, the region bordering Tibet. The extensive research, in the most difficult and land locked terrain until recent times, was carried out to identify and document the meticulous details of paintings that carried the significant influence of various connecting regions resulting in a ...
Western Himalayas have been a fascinating world of nature's grandeur, artistic heritage and cultural delights for common visitors, nevertheless, paradise for adventure lovers and immense resource for researchers. Most of the major Indian rivers, assumed as lifeline of Indian culture and civilization, stream through the region. This book is a part of the documentation project continuing since 1976, which unfolds a fascinating world of traditional architecture in ...