Showing all 8 books
Business Psychology comparatively a new title, is embodiment of the concepts and issues relating to individual team work and leadership interpersonal relations structure and functions of small or large national or multinational companies /organisations and integration of all these with the objective to create opportunities beyond boundaries.
Present book consists of 21 chapters classified over three parts namely (i) Business Psychology: Emerging Issues (ii) ...
The book Psychology of Individual Differences is a compilation of 30 research articles and a theoretical article tracing the evolutionary history of individual differences. A renowned psychologist Prof. Arun K. Sen has written the foreword of this book. The book has been divided into three sections covering the psychological aspects. Demographic factors and other issues relating to individual differences. Certain specific characteristics of groups like children, ...
Health is a dynamic and multidisciplinary area where psyche of a person is a significant determinant of Health. In order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of Health Psychology, there is a need to build up a framework that gives due recognition to the cultural, social and economic contexts. The present Book ‘Health Psychology’ which may serve the above objective is a compilation of 35 articles. These articles have been classified in seven parts. In the ...
Positive Health Psychology is a distinctive title as all three words used in the tile seems to propagate only and only positivism in life. The main objective of this edited volume is to elaborate and understand those positive issues which have the strength not only to prevent diseases but also have the capacity to promote and enhance integrated health with the help of psychological means and methods. Positive attitude towards life make it successful as well as ...
The significant contributions of prominent women in several walks of life have awakened the dormant interest in theories and concepts relating to women behaviour. Thereby researchers have started to spotlight the women issues from different angles. Present volume is a concentrated effort in this direction. It is the compilation of twenty seven articles contributed by well known social-scientists. The book has been classified into five ...
Though the title of the book "Psychology of Education" seems to be traditional in outlook but it is an emerging and important field of research and application in education. Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization (LPG) have significantly affected the basic concepts of education and there is an increasing trend to include advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to disseminate the knowledge among the students. Although, ICT has ...