Showing all 7 books
The book starts with chapter on drugs obtained from algal ibource. This is followed by chapters on drugs obtained from fungi, lichens, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Chemical structures of the plant constituents is the main feature of the book as scientists are more interested in chemical aspects of herbal medicine. Medical and herbal terminology has been included to make the concept clearer. Selected references have been added at the end to the ...
Bhavaprakash Nighantu is nucleus of Ayurvedic Materia Medica. It is one of the most indispensable works on Ayurveda. This work on English translation of the ancient Ayurvedic text has been divided into two parts: Part A, deals with principle Ayurvedic drugs of plant and animal origin. It covers twenty chapters on various gana (classification) of Bhavaprakash. Here, Ayurvedic parameters applicable to drugs have been tackled in detail. ...
Dhanwantri Nighantu, when it was composed, is still to be traced. However, it can be said with certainty that Dhanwantri Nighantu is principle text of Ayurveda as far as description of medicinal plants is concerned. The plant have been arranged in distinct seven groups. Medicinal plants mentioned in seven groups have been discussed with respect to synonyms, Ayurvedic pharmacology and action on three biological homours, actions and therapeutics. A complete chapter ...