Anand Sirohi

Showing all 9 books
Basic knowledge of sociology is essential for understanding social interaction in many works and social settings. This book uses a balanced and systematic application of structural sociology through compact and conceptually sound academic text which offers a clear and precise overview of it. It provides a concise introduction to all the key topics of this important sub-discipline of sociology in a very simple and lucid language. The book has been desired for ...
The present publication provides a comprehensive overview of the entire range of social welfare plans and projects for social groups. It provides a conceptual framework for understanding social work in a lively manner suitable for students at any level while explores the extraordinary scope and importance of social work. In carefully structured information, it covers the various groups like youth, children, women, elders, physically challenged and others. The ...
Sociology, the scientific study of society deals with group behaviour, the relationship among men, and the factors entering into and ensuing from these relationships. Wherever an individual is in communication with others, wherever direct or indirect contacts occur, such an individual is an interacting member of the social order. The elements, patterns and consequences of behaviour antecedents or subsequent to this interaction among individuals and between groups ...
The present publication focused on the human relation with environment. The relation between the nature and civilized society has become the principle of social consciousness. The publications begin with Human Ecology and Social Control and goes on to describe rural and urban ecology with relation to community. It explains the nation population and sociology of religion while discussing migration social mobility and succession. Finally social control is being ...
The present publication focuses on the structure and systems in place for the administration of social welfare programmes for the deprived and neglected sections of the society. It provides a comprehensive overview of the entire range of underprivileged and marginal communities, including tribes, minorities, backward classes, poor people and child labour etc. The book will undoubtedly prove to be valuable basic material not only for the students and teachers of ...
This book provides a thorough introduction to the Fundamentals of Social Welfare. It discusses the development and growth of social welfare form ancient times to modern world. It further explores the concept, scope and area of social welfare by discussing social services and social work along with methods and models. The book extensively covers various programmes like family welfare, child welfare, youth welfare, health care and provides information on the ...
The present three-volume publication focuses on the structure and systems in place for the administration of all social welfare programmes in India. It provides a comprehensive overview of the entire range of social welfare schemes, institutions, modalities, policies, parameters and machinery involved in the activities, from the earliest times to the present day. In carefully structured information, it covers theory and concept, and practice for the ...
Sociology, the scientific study of society deals with group behaviour, the relationship among men, and the factors entering into and ensuring from these relationships. Wherever an individual is in communication with others, wherever direct or indirect contacts occur, such an individual is an interacting member of the social order. The elements, patterns and consequences of behaviour antecedents or subsequent to this interaction among individuals and between ...
This encyclopaedia on Academic Sociology introduces the student of sociology to the main concepts and theories in a lucid and interesting style. The encyclopaedia is divided into four volumes i.e., Elements of Sociology, Structural Sociology, Dynamics of Social Ecology and Social Control and Social Problems and Social Change. Each volume is independent in itself and is being prepared by keeping in view the requirements of the students of several universities. The ...