Showing all 3 books
The chapters written by ethnobotanists of India deal with different aspects of ethnobotany. Covering different phytogeographical region of India, they take up several plant species for study belonging to different regions of the country and study their importance in treating ailments by providing cures and remedies. With reference to the states of Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, they examine some traditional folk medicines used by ...
The changeover of World Trade Regime from the dispension of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) to the more universal and organised World Trade Organisation (WTO) has however created several hurdles for the underdeveloped and developing countries who are not prepared for the harsh terms and conditions prescribed for membership. This is all more evident in the course of WTO meetings, namely Seattle and at Doha. The developing countries are also ...