Showing all 4 books
Agricultural production provides income employment and food at affordable prices as-well-as raw material for the processing industry and foreign exchange from exports. Creating a sustainable agricultural development path means improving the quality of life in rural areas, ensuring enough food for present and future generations and generating sufficient income for farmers.
The present book has been compiled from the work done by research scholars from different ...
The field of Environment Management, specially Cleaner Options – How far is it possible in India, Green Rating, Greening Supply Chains, life Cycle Analysis, etc., gains increasing importance in today’s globalized environment. This book aims to provide expert information from IIT, NPC, MoEF, CPCB, IIM and also from the industry that are of contemporary and future relevance and of practical use of the industry and researchers.
The book contains the collection of papers presented at the seminar on ‘Technology in Medieval India-16th 18th Century ‘held at Birla Industrial and Technological Museum, Calcutta September, 1984. In recent times there has been significant researches in the field of History of Sciences in India. Following the lead given by Prof. Irfan Habib, Aligarh Muslim University, researches have been undertaken by different scholars in the field of technology in ...