Showing all 4 books
Badal Sircar (1925-2011) is one of the most important and influential figures in the history of post-independence Indian theatre. As a playwright, he contributed seminal texts which have inspired the country’s leading directors and continue to be produced by younger groups. In terms of form, he was responsible for Third (later called Free) Theatre, an urban theatre which was alternative, non-proscenium, mobile and very physical. As a theorist and ...
Impudent and irresistible, Charandas is a thief with a difference. Having vowed never to lie, he manages to keep his word while robbing the rich blind. A typical folk hero, streetsmart and savvy, he runs rings around the forces of law and order till he comes up against one wall he cannot scale" his own commitment to the truth. And the unexpected twist at the end of this heartwarming comedy lifts the play onto another plane. This play by veteran ...
‘Rudali’ is a powerful short story written by Mahasweta Devi. Revolving around the life of Sanichari, a poor lowcaste village woman, it is an acidly ironic tale of exploitation and struggle, and above all, of survival. In 1992 it was adapted into a play by Usha Ganguli, a leading theatre director of Calcutta, and instantly became one of the most acclaimed productions of its time. In both incarnations of Rudali, it has been a woman who has wrought and ...
Nineteen men and women, all professionals in the field of culture and the arts, from seven countries across Asia, attempt to engage with four diverse cultural organizations by studying them in their own environments, to better understand their own histories, their achievements, and their survival strategies. ‘An exemplary form of cultural exchange’ was the aim, an attempt at peer interaction without the usual built-in power imbalance between ‘researcher’ ...