Showing all 20 books
The Mahabharata and the Ramayana are two books that stand out from the rest of Indian literature in a very marked way. The Vedas, the Institutes of Manu, are the great authorities for the learned and only through the learned for the mass of the people. But the Mahabharata and the Ramayana are wrought into the very life of every, woman and child.Despite the influence wielded by these two books; however, their moulding power on life is not so great as ...
This book contains the texts of two talks, one by Dr. Annie Besant and the other by C.W. Leadbeater, on the Fourth Noble Truth of the Buddha's teaching: the Noble Eightfold Path. The talks are clear and simple, pointing out the logical sequence in the steps on the Eightfold Path and above all stressing, by means of easily understandable examples, how they can be applied to dailylife. In such application lies the importance of the Noble Eightfold ...
They was second President of the Theosophical Society (1907-1933), was described as a Diamond Soul for she had many brilleant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit. She also guided thousands of men and women all over the world in their spiritual quest. In her earlier days in England she did remarkable ...
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was described by Hegel as a Ć¢ā¬Ėcomet that flashed across EuropeĆ¢ā¬ā¢. Uncompromising in his commitment to truth, this profound philosopher and religious reformer incurred the wrath of the Catholic Church for his attacks on Aristotelian logic and his championship of Copernican cosmology. He taught with magnificent eloquence the Immanence of god who is Universal Life; the eternity of the spirit, being part of the Universal Life; and based ...
Annie Besant was born in 1847. Married at the age of nineteen to Rev. Frank Besant and a mother of two by the time she was twenty-three. Anie was nonetheless an independent spirit. She would often question the religion she and her family practised, earning the displeasure of her more traditional husband. When Annie refused to attend communion, he ordered her to leave the family home. Rejecting Christianity, she went to live in London where she joined the Secular ...
This book is a collection of four lecture of Annie Besant, delivered in 37 parts, at Benaras. The topics included, cover a broad range in the realm of spiritualism. The readers of any grade or stage may find in this book, the solution to his problems. The book may serve as a hand book to the Bhakta, Jnani as well as the Yogi, all alike but to the followers of path of knowledge, it will be more useful and appealing. This book, perhaps still remains one of the best ...
In the lectures delivered in Varanasi at the thrity-second annual convention of the theosophical Society, Dr. Anie Beasant explores the nature of yoga- as a science and in practice- the obstacles to yoga, and the capacities for yoga. She declares: Yoga is within your reach within your powers, and even some of the lower practices of Yoga, some of the simpler applications of the laws of the unfolding of consciousness to yourself, will benefit you in this world as ...
Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is the seventh of a series of manuals designed to meet the public demand for a simple exposition of theosophical teaching. Some have complained that our literature is at once too abstruse, too technical, and too expensive for the ordinary reader, and it is our hope that the present series may succeed in supplying what is a very real want. Theosophy is not only for the learned; it is for all. ...
Dharma' is a term which has now become part of the world vocabulary, but very few know the range and depth of its meaning. Annie Besant, having studied the great discourse on dharma of Bhishma in the Mahabharata, introduces this complex and deep subject to the lay reader. Morality or dharma is subtle, varying from individual to individual, for it is the law by which the inner nature unfolds in each one from his or her particular stage in evolution. This is a ...
This illuminating lecture by the great servant of humanity, Annie Besant, points out how the evolving soul is educated by pain to understand the laws of the Universe, the link between cause and effect. Pain roots out desire and turns the soul inward to the Eternal. Then comes the realization that pain does not arise from outside; it tells of inner weaknesses. It is an instrument for the soul to use on the path of perfection and wise service.
The Upnishads are unique in the sacred literature of the world. They stand alone as beacon lights on a mountain peak, showing how high a man can climb, how much the light of the self may shine out through the vessel of clay, how truly God may speak through man. In this book Annie Besant considers the fundamental truth expressed in the Upnishads from a theosophical point of view.
The wisdom of inspired Seers is recorded in various Samhitas, Sutras, Smrtis and other fragments. The corpus of all these is Sanatana Dharma, Eternal Order or Dharma. Through millennia, Hindu society was moulded by it. Though necessarily Indian in garb, its principles have a timeless relevance to any society, anywhere, any time. It is striking that the first ever-serious attempt at drawing from the vast, nebulous, scattered sources the principles of Sanatana ...
This text book of Hindu Religion and Ethics, first published in 1914-15, was intended to provide systematic instruction in those principles of Hinduism which may be regarded as common to all its many sects. Sanatana-Dharma means the Eternal Religion, the ancient Law, and it is based on the Veda's, sacred books given to men many long ages ago. This religion has also been called the Aryan Religion, because it is the religion that was given to the first nation of ...
If true knowledge, the gnosis, is again to form a part of Christian teachings, the idea of leveling down to the capacities of the least developed must be definitely surrendered. Only by teaching above the grasp of the less evolved can the way be opened up for restoration of arcane knowledge, and the study of the Lesser Mysteries must precede that of the Greater. The Lesser Mysteries-the partial unveiling of deep truths-can even now be restored, and this volume ...
The religious life is a life of love and understanding, serving to unite all people and all being in one Whole, not to divide. In this brilliant series of lectures, Annie Besant, former President of the theosophical Society (1907-33), delves into the world.
Karma is the law of causation, universal and complex, yet extremely important to understand.Knowledge about karma liberates the mind of its anxiety, fear and futile desires. Annie Besant provides in this book, simply and clearly written, basic knowledge both of principles and practice, to set the reader well on the way to happiness.