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India has more than 400 species of mammals. It is the only country in the world to have the Tiger and the Lion. The presence of such a diverse mammalian species in a relatively small area of the globe is significant (c. 8.6% of the total mammalian species in 2.4% of the world’s land area).
In this new book, which has been launched today entitled, "The Mammals of India: a systematic & cartographic review" by Dr Anwaruddin Choudhury is a major ...
The Mammals of North East India is a major definitive work, the first such documentation on this global biodiversity hotspot. This small region of India, about the size of UK has mammal diversity equivalent to the entire European continent. NE India has the highest mammalian diversity in India. Covering only 8% of geographical area of India, the region has around 65% of country's the country's mammalian species diversity. The text is supported by many ...
The Mammals of Arunachal Pradesh is the first such publication which has documented the rich and diverse mammalian fauna of this ‘biodiversity hotspot’ state. All the species known and possibly occur in the state have been listed in a systematic order supported by some excellent maps & illustrations. Brief write-ups on each species have been given especially on their taxonomic reference, distribution and conservation status. The text is followed by a ...