Arindam Mukherjee

Showing all 7 books
The book entwines a few case studies and attempts to capture a glimpse of the saga of growth strategies followed by different multinational companies in modern times. As reflected in the book growth strategies may be of two types, namely organic growth and inorganic growth. The most daunting task faced by the managers of the twentyfirst century is to know how to grow their companies. The odds against growth have become extremely high. Competition has increased ...
This book provides a holistic view of the concept of Subcontracting and its application in various industries in India. Subcontracting in the wider sense relates to letting out a part of the overall project obligations to another party. Such dispersal of obligations often tends to be beneficial for the parent firm and also provides adequate scope for growth to the secondary firm, which receives the subcontract. This book is an attempt to delve deep into the ...
Investment is the surrender of certain present value for some uncertain future reward. Investment decision is a trade-off between risk and return. Investment analysis describes techniques, vehicles and strategies for planning, implementing and overseeing the optimal allocation of the fund of the investor. Despite increasing investments in different financial markets due to rapid progress in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and media, common ...
With liberalization of the economy, the retail scenario has changed to a great extent; many sectors have opened up to private players. In hitherto government controlled industries, too, we have seen a spate of private activity. The increased marketing efforts of private players coupled with the changed stance of the incumbent public or government players, have given rise to an unprecedented scramble for customers. There was a time when only the national players ...
Manufacturing remains the most attractive sector. Many multi-national companies are increasingly considering corporate restructuring and mergers and acquisitions as a necessary condition for continued growth and success. Firms decide to merge with or acquire other companies for various reasons. Some transactions may be motivated by firms trying to take advantage of free cash flows. Others may be explained by the strategies pursued by multinationals to enter new ...