Arun Arya

Showing all 10 books
The marked increase in concentration of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases has increased the global temperature during past few decades. An increase in global temperature and precipitation has increased the proliferation of vector borne diseases in plants and animals including human beings. The changes in climatic conditions may be detrimental to forest and aquatic ecosystems. Scientists have distinguished and environmental engineers contributed several ...
This book highlights the rapidly expanding horizons of Plant Sciences. The conventional aspects of Botany remain the backbone of this subject, but the growing population and environmental compulsions urge man to explore new avenues to tackle the problems of society. Most of these areas, which are interdisciplinary in nature and provide new and better solutions, are pursued vigourously by researchers in Plant Sciences. Medicinal plants including Nutraceuticals, ...
Environment has changed significantly during past two centuries. There is marked increase in concentration of green house gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere and various pollutants are threat to plant and human life. We have altered the natural ecosystem making the plant, animal and human life miserable. Our planet is warming up, there is climate change and depletion of ozone layer. Vehicular pollution in urban areas is responsible for ...
Natural Dyes: cope and Challenges is a comprehensive, thoroughly scientific, single source reference book on natural dye stuffs and dyeing. This book provides a detailed chemistry of all the available natural dyes and also of the food colors. Analytical methods including extraction, identification and estimation of the chemical dyes, are discussed. The applications of these dyes in pharmaceuticals, herbal cosmetics, paints and paintings also are explained. The ...
The present book "Studies on Some Fungal Biodeteriogens' is the first of its kind giving a complete account of life processes nutritional behaviour and biodeterioration potentials of four common fungi causing damage to valuable museum objects. The chapters on 'Biodeteriogens' and 'Indoor Aeromycoflora' may be interesting to a person unacquainted with the subject. Characters of common fungal biodeteriogens have been discussed besides the four organisms ...
Herbal technology: Recent trends and Progress is a comprehensive book on the various trends and the aspects of this recent branch of Botany. Herbal technology encompasses all the myriads of ways of utilizing the multifarious potentialities of plants for human welfare. There are presently five aspects such as Medicinal plants, Natural dyes, Biopesticides, Biofertilizers and Biofuel in this discipline, though more and more may added by the brilliant workers who ...
Indian agriculture has witnessed spectacular advances in agricultural production in the last few decades. This was possible through Green Revolution in mid 60s leading to the country's remarkable achievement in food grains and edible oil production. Seed has always been regarded as the most vital, basic, and critical input in agriculture. It is interesting to note that today seed demand of only 10% farmers is met. Efforts are needed to provide good quality ...