Showing all 6 books
This book aims to fulfill a specific need. Effective from 2008-09 session, U.P.T.U. has introduced the subject of ``Manufacturing Processes`` for first year engineering students of all streams. This textbook covers the entire course material in a distilled form in line with the recommended contact hours of L T P 2-0-0 to cover the wide syllabus.
In this edition, the essential features of the book have not been altered. However, certain necessary changes are made ...
Chemistry is the study of the properties and transformations of matter. As in any dynamic, modern science, theories in chemistry are refined to reflect new data, established ideas are applied to new systems, and connections and forged with other sciences to uncover new information. This book is intended to provide new methods and techniques enhance the process of teaching chemistry, clearly. It will serve as a highly beneficial reference tool for the teachers and ...