Asad R. Rahmani

Showing all 10 books
The Great Indian Bustard, Ardeotis nigriceps, is perhaps the rarest bustard in the world and one of the rarest birds of India. Despite protective measures, its numbers have gone down to less than 250 individuals, mainly because of illegal hunting and destruction of its grassland habitats. Although many scholarly papers and articles have been written on the plight of the Great Indian Bustard, this is the first pictorial book dedicated to this species.
Rajasthan, by virtue of its geographical features and extreme climatic conditions, is home to a wide variety of birds. Compiling all the available information and creating a guide to the birds of Rajasthan is a massive undertaking. The author of THE BIRDS OF RAJASTHAN has enlisted the support of some of the best amateur bird photographers and field ornithologists from Rajasthan, and the rest of the country. The final product is a premium quality book that not ...
Threatened Birds of Maharashtra is the third in the 'Threatened Birds' series published by the BNHS and OUP. This book brings information about the globally threatened bird species that are presently reported from Maharashtra state. The book will help to assess the present status and distribution of the threatened bird species found in Maharashtra, and the recommendations for each species show the way ahead.
Important Bird Areas of Jammu & Kashmir is part of a series of books on important bird areas (IBAs) of specific states, which is an extension of Important Bird Areas in India: Priority Sites for Conservation (2004) that described 466 IBAs for India. The third book in the series, this volume focuses on the IBAs of Jammu & Kashmir.
Co-authored by six field scientists and wildlife officers, Important Bird Areas of Jammu & Kashmir is a collaborative ...
Identification, protection, and monitoring of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) is a major global conservation programme initiated by BirdLife International, and recognized and appreciated by many governments, NGOs, and conservationists. This book is an extension of the BNHSs IBA programme to identify the most threatened and near threatened bird species in India and to recommend measures for their long-term protection.
It discusses trade in threatened birds in India, ...
This publication is an enormous achievement befitting such a huge and biologically rich country. The power of this book is that the 465 Important Bird Areas it details are a signal that, often against the odds, birds and other biodiversity continue to flourish in wonderful places throughout India. The majority of these IBAs are within exclusively managed Protected Areas but nearly 200 are unprotected areas where wildlife survives alongside local people. This book ...
Since India became a contracting party to the Ramsar Convention in 1981, only 25 wetlands in the country have been internationally designated as Ramsar sites. This is in spite of the richness of aquatic ecosystem types in the country. The 25 Ramsar sites in India do not represent even a fraction of the diversity of wetland habitats existing in the country. In this book, 160 sites which qualify the Ramsar criteria, has been identified, including the existing 25 ...