30 books
Data abstraction is the separation between the specification of data object and its implementation. Abstraction is the process by which data and programs are defined with a representation similar in form to its meaning semantics while hiding away the implementation details. Abstraction tries to reduce and factor out details so that the programmer can focus on a few concepts at a time. It captures only those details about an object that are relevant to the current ...
E-journalism refers to new practices in TV, print, radio and online news that have bring revolution in media industry. Electronic journalism is a compendium of new communication opportunities that affect the entire news business. Today news stories can be received and discussed instantly by worldwide audiences thanks to digital cameras, laptops, cellphones, audio feeds and lightweight video cameras that puton-scene recording into the hands of writers and ...
Big retailers are developing different strategies to cope with increasing competition in the merchandise sector and they invest in services innovation, opening their shops to different services which are often not linked to their main activity.
All kinds of political science require research, unless we are a genius spinning out original theoretical deductions from the armchair. The kind of research we need to do depends on the type of question and research project we are pursuing, as well as what kinds of relevant information, evidence, data, etc. are available for you to study.
The principles, practice and potential of this study to engage a wide range of real world problems commends the approach to all those concerned about the quality of present and future living conditions and environments on the earth.
Remote sensing is the small or large scale acquisition of information of an object or phenomenon, by the use of either recording or real time sensing device that are wireless, or not in physical or intimate contact with the object (such as by way of aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, buoy, or ship). In practice, remote sensing is the stand-off collection through the use of variety of devices for gathering information on a given object or area. Thus, Earth ...
A spatial database is a database that is optimized to store and query data related to objects in space, including points, lines and polygons. While typical databases can understand various numeric and character types of data, additional functionality needs to be added for databases to process spatial data types. These are typically called geometry or feature. The open geospatial consortium created the simple features specification and sets standards for adding ...
Data Mining and Data Warehousing techniques are becoming indispensable parts of business intelligence programmes. Use these links to learn more about these emerging fields and keep on top of this trend. Data mining is the process of extracting patterns from data. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud ...
Biophysical material and man-made features on the surface of Earth are inventories using remote sensing and in situ techniques.The information is often stored cartographically or in a geographic information system (GIS). Some of the data are static, that is, they do not change over time. Conversely, some biophysical materials and man-made features are dynamic, changing rapidly.It is important that such changes be inventoried accurately so that the physical and ...
The advancement of Electronics Technology in the last decade or two has had immense influence on almost all branches of scientific, as well as day-to-day activities of mankind; and the profession of Land Surveying and Cartography is no exception to this phenomenon. The availability of space craft and aircraft-borne sensor data in digital form and the development of the high speed electronic computers, with their immense storage capacities, online real time access ...