B.B. Singh

Showing all 7 books
This book is an effort to give simple, concise and updated information about the aspect relevant to veterinary science and animal husbandry. The whole subject matter has been divided into 15 chapters which includes: veterinary science: an overview, livestock production technology and management, veterinary anatomy, veterinary gynaecology and obstetrics, animal genetics and breeding, veterinary parasitology, veterinary microbiology and immunology, veterinary ...
A large number of students appear in UPSC-IFS (Agriculture) examination every year and Agriculture is one of the subject. Agriculture graduates always find difficulty in preparation of this examination due to lack of good books. Keeping the aforesaid points in view, I have made an attempt to write a book, which is designed as per latest syllabus of UPSC-IFS (Agriculture), since all facets of Agriculture are covered in this book which is spread over in 22 chapters ...
The present book “Objective Agronomy” is a compilation work and embodies a fairly comprehensive treatment of the objective type questions on Agronomy. It contains 18 chapters covering all related disciplines. These chapters include : Introduction, Agricultural Meteorology, Soil Properties and Tillage, Soil and Nutrients Management, Irrigation Water Management, Soil and Water Conservation, Manures and Fertilizers, Cropping Systems, Weed Management, ...
Natural resources occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undistributed in natural form. It serves as raw materials to feed most industries. Natural economic products offer a vast, virtually untapped reservoir of chemical compounds with diverse potential uses and provide fundamental life support, essentially for the survival and for satisfying the wants of man-kind. Natural economic products provide wealth that is exported to other nations to ...
Efficiency of extension systems all over the world is judged by its capacity for technology delivery among clientele. The goal of technology transfer is to reach large number of people in shorter period of time. Improving the efficiency to extension system is an area where the innovations and initiatives are required to be taken to make it more productive and prompt. Modernizing technology transfer process needs to be perused vigorously. With the advent of ...
Improving the quality of agricultural education and research is an area where the innovations and initiatives are required to be taken to make it more purposive, directed and useful to the society. It should be remembered that knowledge is expanding and technologies are advancing very fast and the agricultural are advancing very fast and the agricultural education has to acquire wings in this era of information and communication technologies. ...