B.D. Singh
Showing all 9 books
The discipline of plant breeding has undergone transformation due to the assimilation of the rapid developments in molecular biology. The existing books on plant breeding deal mainly with the classical approaches, while specialized books on molecular approaches usually lack discussion of the classical methods. The book Molecular Plant Breeding attempts to present the complete picture of plant breeding ranging from the classical to the molecular approaches applied ...
Palynology provides valuable geo-scientific database related to biostratigraphy, high-resolution sequence biostratigraphy, palynofacies, palaeoenvironmental modelling, source-rock evaluation, organic petrology, and organic matter characterization to be utilized as vital inputs for basin analysis at various stages of hydrocarbon exploration, development and operational requirements. In view of the expansion of fossil fuel exploration activities in the country ...
The spectre of drought, which results in complete or partial failure of crops, haunts most of the states in India. And yet not much information is available on areas prone to drought and their development potential. The present book is an attempt to fill this gap. The book gives an account of the profile of the drought prone areas of three selected states and reviews their performance with respect to socio-economic development. It indicates the role that drought, ...
IRDP which is a well-tried and tested developmental programme in rural perspective India has both different degree of achievements and performance different States. So many evaluation studies have been conducted to study the impact of IRDP but mainly in developing and backward areas where the proportion of vulnerable population and weaker section in rural population is very high. In comparison to a study of the kind, a limited number of studies has been conducted ...