Proceedings Symposium on Palynology in Fossil Fuel Exploration: Golden Jubilee Volume, Geological Society of India, Memoir 71

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Palynology provides valuable geo-scientific database related to biostratigraphy, high-resolution sequence biostratigraphy, palynofacies, palaeoenvironmental modelling, source-rock evaluation, organic petrology, and organic matter characterization to be utilized as vital inputs for basin analysis at various stages of hydrocarbon exploration, development and operational requirements. In view of the expansion of fossil fuel exploration activities in the country palynology and palynofacies need to be strengthened to provide a veritable support to the upstream industrial sector for improved identification of areas of focus for long term exploration efforts. The symposium aimed to provide a platform for in depth dialogue and discussion on the innovative approaches and breakthroughs in the fields of palynological, palynofacies, and organic petrological researches and their applications in hydrocarbon exploration addressing the following focal themes: High-resolution biostratigraphy: regional case studies, Sequence biostratigraphy and palaeoenviornmental modeling, Palynofacies, organic petrology and source rock evaluation, and
Modern techniques, tools and computer applications in organic matter characterization. This volume presents a collection of issues and case histories related to the above themes discussed during the symposium.


Dr. Bikrama Ditya Singh (b. 1954) passed M.A. (Labour and Social Welfare), LL.B., and Ph.D. – all from the Patna University, Patna. Dr. Singh is presently looking after the work of the Research and Consultancy Unit at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. A Prolific writer, he has several publications and project reports to his credit. His recent book Planning for Rural Development and Poverty Allevation (1992) was widely acclaimed.


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Proceedings Symposium on Palynology in Fossil Fuel Exploration: Golden Jubilee Volume, Geological Society of India, Memoir 71
1st ed.
x+180p., Figures