B N Pandey

29 books
Biodiversity can be quite easily defined as the diversity or variety of living organisms on this planet. It has been understood as the measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation or species variation within an area, biome or planet. This book entitled ‘A new horizons in Biodiversity’ consists of 23 chapters. The chapters are mainly focused on the diversity of Molluscs, ...
Papers presented at a symposium held at Thiruvananthapuram during 3-7 January 2010.
The present book entitled "Sustainable Management and Conservation of Biodiversity" comprises 30 articles pertaining to this discipline. This book is basically a proceeding of the "National Conference on Recent Concepts of Biodiversity and Biotechnology" held at Shri Ram Krishna College of Commerce and Science, Satna (M.P.) from 24th--25th January, 2009. The editors are grateful to all the contributors who responded promptly be making their ...
Aim of this book is to bridge the gap between traditional materials on pollution and quantitative and technical aspects that are the essence of most advanced environmental science. The book will also provide necessary informations on environmental chemistry and physics that are prerequisite for the mechanism of working of pollutants.Various chapters of the book covering water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and radiation describe in ...
This is the happiest moment for the authors to present, "Ecology of Aquatic Insects" to readers of this discipline. Study of any organism without considering its ecology is not complete as no organism can be separated from its environment. About 75% of earth's surface is covered by water which is source of life on earth. It is the medium within which all aspects of ecosystem co-exist both living and non-living. Insects have adopted themselves to ...
Survival of any organism depends upon its surrounding environment. The relationship between man and his environment is never static. Man’s extensive interaction with the environment has resulted in eco-degradation. The eco-degradation is pose to come up as one of the major concerns for the mankind. Increasing rate of urbanisation, industrialisation, mining, deforestation and population explosion resulted in highly polluted milieu and formidable health hazards ...
The present Encyclopaedia of two volume entitled "Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Ecology" comprises "Articles pertaining to the discipline of biodiversity, environmental pollution and ecology". The editors are grateful to all the contributors who responded promptly by making available their papers and it is the overwhelming response which has catalytic impact upon us, to complete the task of publishing this volume. ...
The present book entitled "Fish Research" comprises 15 articles written by well-known experts and research workers in the field of fishes and fisheries as the fisheries sector can play a pivotal role in improving the state's economy and solving the nutritional problem besides acting as a tool for rural development and if offers tremendous potentialities for providing new employment opportunities to the vast rural poor. In this book an attempt has been ...
The present book entitled "Ecology and Environment" comprises 36 chapters by well known experts and research workers in their respective fields. This book contains 36 chapters pertaining to 5 in general Zoology. 7 in Entomology, 5 in Ecology and Environmental Biology, 5 in Aquatic Biology, 6 in Toxicology and Physiology and 7 in Experimental Zoology. We are thankful to all contributors who responded promptly by making available their articles and it ...
India is endowed with a great wealth of biological diversity in its forests, glaciers, rivers, reservoirs, lakes, coatal areas an wetlands but in the recent years, following massive anthropogenic development there has been rapid industrialization in the country, resulting in the degradation of the environment and loss of much biodiversity, consequent upon fragmentation of the habitat. There is an urgent need to conserve it, other wise posterity will not forgive ...
The present book entitled “Environment and development†comprises 29 articles pertaining to this discipline. This book is basically a proceeding of the 16th All India Congress of Zoology†held from 21st-23rd October 2005 at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (M.S.). We are grateful to all the contributors who responded promptly by making upon us, to complete the task of publishing this book. The articles have been written by well known ...
The present book entitled "Biodiversity and Environment" comprises 22 articles pertaining to this discipline. This book is basically a proceeding of the "16th All India Congress of Zoology" held from 21st-23rd October 2005 at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (M.S.). We are grateful to all the contributors who responded promptly by marking their articles available which had catalytic impact upon us, to ...
The present book entitled "Fisheries and Fish Toxicology" comprises 20 articles pertaining to this discipline. This book is basically a proceeding of the "16th All India Congress of Zoology" held from 21st-23rd October 2005 at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (M.S.). We are grateful to all the contributors who responded promptly by making their articles available which had catalytic impact upon us, to ...
The present book entitled Aquaculture comprises 21 articles pertaining to this discipline is basically a proceeding of the 17 All India Congress of Zoology held from 15 - 17 October, 2006 at Vidyanagari, Baramati, Pune. This book will be very useful for the students, teachers, and researchers in this field and it can also be used as a standard reference book.