Showing all 3 books
Soliloquies in Solitude' is an analytical commentary on the P. Solomon Raj's verse in his Nineties. A globally reputed artist and theologian, propounding incarnation of the Gospel in Indian culture, Solomon's poetry as a nonagenarian continues to be a sharp tool of expression of Christian Faith and Living vis-a-vis his present poetry pregnant with Indigenous Philosophizing. Having done extensive research on the art and poetry of Solomon Raj, it is commendable ...
Missionaries and scholars from around the world have contributed chapters from their research and experience to document the process of Gospel inculturation, the means by which the Good News of Jesus Christ is introduced through art, music, poetry, literature and theology. Students of missiology, whether seminarians, clergy, teachers or laity will find these chapter filled with ideas and challenges to allow the Gospel to take root and thrive in new cultural ...
Revelation means 'the act of revealing or disclosing.' It is 'the act or process of disclosing something previously secret or obscure, especially something true.' Though rich and complete with the 'Revelation of Jesus Christ', the book of Revelation remains an enigma for many Christians and preachers.
An interesting and informative guide to the Book of Revelation, this book makes the study of one of the most difficult books in the New Testament an enjoyable ...