B.V. Verghese

Showing all 13 books
Teaching skill’ is the most important quality, which a teacher must possess. It is acquired, sharpened and updated for making teaching emphatic. So it is necessary for a teacher to equip oneself with essential teaching skill—particularly at primary school level—where the foundation of a pupil is shaped and moulded in proper way. In this book a number of core issues are given elaborate treatment. Undoubtedly, students, teachers, teacher-trainers and ...
For laying solid educational foundation—primary schools have to bear great responsibility. Hence framing curriculum counts most in educational planning. This book consists of some important topics containing highly researched and tested material on primary school curriculum. The information is gathered from various authoritative sources. This book will serve the need of a dependable reference book for all concerned.
Teaching young children to read and write, to understand the world around them, to grasp and be able to apply fundamental mathematical and scientific principles, to use their developing intelligence and imagination, to live and work, harmoniously with others, all these require that an effective teacher should posses knowledge and understanding of the content of the subjects and topics being taught, as well as the ability to manage a class, explain clearly, ask ...
As important as evaluation is to education, and the classroom teacher, the process is not unique to education. People in all walks of life make evaluations constantly whether they realize it or not. Take example of a person crossing the street. He makes an evaluation when he looks both ways, estimates the speed of approaching vehicles, and then decides either to cross or not to cross the street. In the present book role of evaluation in primary education is ...
Management and administration like concepts in the area of education have often been considered as rather second-rate and consequently have been relegated to an inferior position behind the teaching function. This has been true particularly in case of primary schools where head teachers have been offered even less in the way of management training than their secondary colleagues. What is often forgotten is that education, whether at national or classroom level, ...