Showing all 5 books
Art and Archaeology of South-East Asia is an outcome of two consecutive seminars organised by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi. It has eleven selected studies on South-East Asia by eminent scholars of the subject. Cultural contacts between India and South-East Asia began much before the appearance of Sanskrit inscriptions in the middle of the first millennium ad. This book contains a wealth of information on sculptural, architectural and ...
Indonesia had close cultural relations with India since the beginning of Christian era. Indian culture influenced Indonesia to a great extent in shaping its society, religion, customs, beliefs, art and architecture, especially during the pre-Islamic period. The subsequent emergence of Islam on the Javanese scene fundamentally affected the social and religious outlook of the Javanese people, but the Hindu imprint could still be seen in the form of languages, art, ...
The Encyclopaedia of Women in South Asia is a detailed study of eight countries including India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldive. Inhabited mostly in the rural areas, they had been the crippling handicaps of illiteracy, constant motherhood and poor health. This effected their self-confidence, limited their access to information and skills. However women's legal and social status has changed throughout these countries ...
The present book is an addition to the ethnographic studies made by the scholars on Indian tribes since the pre-independence days. This book envisages a holistic study of the Bhils, a major tribe, inhabiting in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. The Bhils are supposed to be inhabiting this part of the country from ancient time and their interaction with rajputs in medieval time is well known . The Bhils of Madhya Pradesh have little contact with ...
This book provides an illuminating study of Buddhist art in Vietnam. Vietnam is inhabited by a number of ethic groups. Most of them practise Buddhism along with spirit and ancestral worship. Origin, present settlement and socio-religious practices of some of the important ethnic groups have been lucidly explained in this text. It also presents early history of Vietnam till its emergence as a modern nation. A flood of lights has been ...