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The photograph has affected the way many cultures throughout the world understand and learn about their world. One of the main fields responsible for this paradigm is photojournalism. It is the use of photographs in conjunction with the reporting of news in media such as print newspapers, magazines, television news and internet reporting. With the introduction of digital cameras and other digital technologies, photojournalism has greatly augmented its capacity ...
The implementation of new media technologies has dramatically altered the manner in which both broadcast and print newsrooms operate. Such technologies have not only revolutionised the organizational side of newsrooms but have also had an impact on the production values within newsrooms. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the revolutionary changes brought out by new media technologies in the way news is gathered, processed and presented. It proceeds ...
Television is an integral part of everyday life in today’s society as a means of obtaining and communicating information as well as a form of entertainment. Today, television is becoming completely digital. Since the television stations use faster and better techniques. The digital technology, emerging new formats and content categories, completely different working conditions, all of this are profoundly altering the face of television journalism. In Its ...