Bela Rani Sharma

Showing all 19 books
Inspite of the fact that there are not separate teaching methods for teaching Sanskrit, the general teaching methods are methods for teaching languages have greatly helped in the teaching of Sanskrit. The Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India have taken special measures for the development of Sanskrit language. Many Sanskrit universities have been opened for research and development of the Sanskrit language and very good work is being done in ...
The present volume Sikhism and Women identifies a number of major issues and combines empirical materials with theoretical insight and discuss the actual position of women in Sikh society.
The present volume comprising of twelve chapters is an attempt to highlight not only the significant role of Sikh women in Indian society but also the multi-dimensional aspects of Sikhism and Sikh women.
We are happy to place this book in the hands of our esteemed readers with ...
A large number of children dropout of school due to various reasons. The most crucial reason being economic. Parents withhold children from going to school and put them in work. They constitute a large chunk of labour force. It has been declared illegal by various government in India and abroad. Even then parents are not ready to lose money by sending children to schools. It is for this section of society that educationists as well as the educational planners and ...
The quantum of knowledge took almost two hundred years to double itself in the recent past. But as of now it has doubled in just twenty years or even less. In such rapidly changing times when knowledge is increasing by geometrical progression, the issue of curriculum reform is of paramount importance. While as more and more knowledge has to be imparted to the learners, the problem of removing the outdated knowledge from the curriculum assumes ...
Teachers interact with students, parents and the school management. Besides this the schools need modern infrastructure to carry out the objectives of educational curriculum. The management of funds for the salary of teachers and other staff besides provision of equipment like the chalk, boards, playgrounds, library, the laboratory and other material, the maintenance of school agricultural farm are such issues which demand the continuous attention of ...
The quantum of knowledge took almost two hundred years to double itself in the recent past. But as of now it has doubled in just twenty years or even less. In such rapidly changing times when knowledge is increasing by geometrical progression, the issue of curriculum reform is of paramount importance. While as more and more knowledge has to be imparted to the learners, the problems of removing the outdated knowledge from the curriculum assumes great importance. ...