Showing all 3 books
The present work is designed to survey the evolution of philosophical thought in the Vedic and post-Vedic periods preceding the rise of Jainism and Buddhism. The author has traced up the development of early Indian philosophy on divergent lines on the basis of the Rgveda, Atharvaveda, Aranyakas, the older Upanisads and the allied literature.
The work is divided into four parts: each part is divided into several chapters. Part I deals with Vedic philosophy; Part ...
Among the most popular Books in Buddhist literature, Dhammapada (Skt. Dharmapada) stands prominently. This work is critically edited and translated with copious notes by Beni Madhav Barua and Sailendranath Mitra with a long introduction which discusses many problems of editions and translations of the Dhammapada. The present work began by the editors as a disgression from working on a monography on Asoka’s Dhamma with encouragement and support by Ashutosh ...