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The Present Volume bears ample testimony to the great hospitality of the Indian mind in encouraging and inviting different points of view and different lines of approach to the great quest for the Ultimate Reality. It sketches the more important sects and living religions which India accepts as diverse expressions of religion itself. Hinduism in its various ramifications derived from a common stock is an exceedingly interesting and instructive subject to pursue. ...
Patriot, Scholar and Statesman, Dr. Bhagavan Das (1869-1958) was one of those savants and sages like Sri Aurobindo and Gandhiji whom India's struggle for freedom attracted to its ranks. Taking the Master's degree in Mental and Moral Science from the Calcutta University at the age of eighteen Bhagavan Das entered Government service. He served as Tehsildar and Deputy Collector for eight years when the lure of national service gripped him and he resigned his post. ...
The wisdom of inspired Seers is recorded in various Samhitas, Sutras, Smrtis and other fragments. The corpus of all these is Sanatana Dharma, Eternal Order or Dharma. Through millennia, Hindu society was moulded by it. Though necessarily Indian in garb, its principles have a timeless relevance to any society, anywhere, any time. It is striking that the first ever-serious attempt at drawing from the vast, nebulous, scattered sources the principles of Sanatana ...
This text book of Hindu Religion and Ethics, first published in 1914-15, was intended to provide systematic instruction in those principles of Hinduism which may be regarded as common to all its many sects. Sanatana-Dharma means the Eternal Religion, the ancient Law, and it is based on the Veda's, sacred books given to men many long ages ago. This religion has also been called the Aryan Religion, because it is the religion that was given to the first nation of ...