Bhawna Misra

Showing all 14 books
Science teaching is different from teaching other conventional disciplines. As applied or practical aspect is equally important in science teaching besides the theory. This book is addressed to many issues and approaches to science teaching e.g. Bringing science into the primary school, mathematical principles in primary education, training for learning through scientific investigations, learning through wider experience, the development of primary science ...
Modern education is a very frequently changing subject. The course and curricula of modern education is changing continuously. The advent of latest information technology, electronic mass-media, internet, multimedia computers, and the world wide web has changed the contents and course of education. On the other hand, latest researches in educational technology and child psychology has also influenced the teaching methods and practices in modern education. This ...
Teachers are nation builders. They train and mould the younger generations of the nation according to the demand of time. The future of a nation is shaped by teachers with influx of new subjects in curricular, the training needs of teacher are felt every where. This book is prepared with keeping this fact in mind. This book, though short, is useful for the teacher training purposes. Chapter one of the books is The Art of teaching, second chapter is on teacher and ...
Teachers are known as nation builders. On the shoulders of teachers rest the responsibility of creating good citizens and ideal human beings from young children. Every country now a days devote considerable amount of resources for teacher training. But there are enormous problems while applying the new methods of teacher training. Teacher training has to suit the needs and demands of present days’ world. This book devotes itself addressing more problems and ...
These days various trends are in vogue in the field of education and on the books on education. But the most neglected field is of adult education and social education. As India possess the largest number of illiterate adult persons in the world the relevance of adult education is self understood. These people cannot understand the present day problems of the world, which affect their daily life. These people are unable to ameliorate their lot and are still ...
Giving a wholistic education has always been problems for educators. Academic subjects like languages, history, geography, mathematics of social sciences were always compulsory by educators. But modern educators always advocate some extra curricular and para-academic courses for children. There are various arts and crafts which need to be taught by teachers and learnt by the children. Recreation of children always has been preferred. This book is divided into ...
This book is on the education and teaching of the mentally disabled children and adults. The book provides a few technical and psychological suggestion and methods to teach the mentally disabled persons. The book is divided into eleven chapters. It is hoped that this book will be useful for the educators, educational administrators, and the policy planners for the children’s education, but above all the book is meant for the teachers of mentally disabled ...
This book is on the education and teaching of the physically disabled children and adults. The book provides a few technical psychological suggestion and methods to teach the physically disabled persons. The book is divided into nine chapters. As is obvious from the above these chapters cover various aspects of education of the children afflicted with various diseases and physical ailments. Thousands of boys and girls are suffering from the physical disability ...
The field of educational research is often paid least importance. Many researchers have no clue about how to begin their researchers, proceed with their projects or conclude the research. This book for the first time discuses the main methods of educational research and provides many models and examples for the would-be researchers. This book is its first chapter discusses The Classification of Research Methods used by researchers. The second chapter discusses ...
Educational research is a subject on which very few books are available and very little light has been shed by various authors. In this book it has been tried to overview and highlight some of the problems which are faced by the researchers in the field of educational research. This book may be a short book, but it is compact book in the sense that not a single topic and not a single area has been left without discussion. It is hoped that this book will fulfill a ...
Students find arithmetic and science subjects very ‘tough’ to comprehend and master over them. The teachers are unable to understand why children do not like these subjects. Children always find themselves struggling to get the correct marks. Parents and guardians find themselves in dilemma, they cajole, coerce and punish their children; they prescribe them to be successful in these subjects. This book has been prepared keeping all these factors in mind. This ...
Educational research is a subject on which very few books are available and very little light has been shed by various authors. In this book it has been tried to provide a general discussion on the educational research. The topics have been carefully selected and presented in a manner which makes the book easy to comprehend. Thus keeping in mind the difficulties of the researchers, the book has been prepared and given the name An Introduction to Educational ...
Curriculum Reforms and Educational Development is the need of the hour. It is an ongoing and never stopping process. The need for curriculum reforms are felt with the changing times and modes of living. The changes in social, economic and political spheres of society, harbinger curriculum reform. With the advent of globalisation, economic reforms, information revolution, liberalization it is imperative to resort to curriculum reforms. We in India are slow to ...
Education: Evolution, Development and Philosophy, as the name of the title suggests, encompasses highly informative material on the topic. Basically designed for students, researchers and teachers in the field, this book covers the topics like--education: intellectual and moral revolution; unity and diversity in interlectual discipline; pride and prejudice in education; education and knowledge explosion; and education from the ninth to the twelfth-century etc. ...