Showing all 5 books
This 5-volume set, Ethnobotany of India, provides an informative overview of human-plant interrelationships in India, focusing on the regional plants and their medicinal properties and uses. Each volume focuses on a different significant region of India, including:
Volume 1: Eastern Ghats and Deccan
Volume 2: Western Ghats and West Coast of Peninsular India
Volume 3: North-East India and Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Volume 4: Western and Central Himalaya
Volume 5: ...
This book is primarily meant to provide an integrated, unifying and utilitarian perspective of the basic and applied aspects of plant nectaries. Their diversity, application in systematics and phylogency is indispensible and has wide ramifications in various related applied sciences making nectaries, nectar and honey as the most researched objects. Therefore, the book is essentially multi-disciplinary in approach and meant for students and researchers in Botany, ...
The book essentially covers the syllabus prescribed for B.Tech. Biotechnology. It cpvers basic and applied aspects of plant, animal and microbial life in simple and lucid manner. The various topics/chapters that follow attempt to reflect basic and applied concepts with emphasis on current developments and their relevance to present day needs. Students pursuing B.Sc., M.Sc. (Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Botany, Zoology, & Environmental Biology) will also find the ...
This Commemoration volume is a befitting tribute to Prof. Ramanjam’s multidimensional erudition and varied interests. Many well Known palaeobotanists, palynologists and plant anatomists were invited to contribute research articles. An overwhelming majority of invitees have graciously and enthusiastically accepted our invitations and submitted their manuscripts promptly, despite limited time given to them. Thirty Eight research papers covering Six broad sections ...
Medicinal plants are nature's hidden and to a large extent unexplored treasure. Although they have been used as a source of safe and effective medicine since time immemorial, this potential resource has hardly been commercially tapped. India is endowed with about 8000 species of medicinal plants. According to a recent estimate to the Planning Commission, Government of India, the potential for plant-based crude drugs is about Rs. 4000 billion. Globally, the demand ...