Showing all 9 books
Saint Nagarjuna (h Phags-pa kLu-sGrub ) was one of the Two Excellents of the Buddhist world (mChhog-gNyis) who was born in a wealthy Brahmin family of Vidarbha in south India during 1-2 century AD. His incarnation was prophesied by Buddha Shakyamuni (Sangs-rGyas bChom-lDan-hDas). He was a contemporary and friend of the Satavahana King Gautamiputra Yajna Sri who ruled between 62 and 86 AC. His life span was found astrologically short and in order to increase his ...
"Sherab Dongbu", the tree of wisdom is the commentary of manners or moral maxim having 260 verses composed by Saint Nagarjuna (Goenpo Ludrub) in 100 BC. The original text was in Sanskrit known as "Prajna Danda" which was translated into Chhoekay (classical language) in the 11 century AD and included in the Tenjur (commentarial canon) in section "DO", volume "GO" beginning at 165 leaf. It is incredible that the Chhoekay ...
Sources of Bhutanese History is a collection of references in Chhokey, Dzongkha and English on the history of Bhutan. Bhutanese history needs to be revised and re-written giving new interpretation to the old facts or bringing new facts to the knowledge of the readers through a persistent research. The author made a genuine attempt to identify various sources not only available within the country but also outside the country for further research. Equivalent ...
The Heart of Wisdom known in Sanskrit as prajnaparamita-hrdya is one of the best-known and most popular sutras of Mahayana Buddhism. It is a short perfection of wisdom sutra chiefly consisting of dialogue between arhat Shariputra and bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara inspired through the power of the Buddha’s concentration on the profound appearance. This sutra helps to understand the Buddhist concept of voidness. The Heart of Wisdom represents the Buddha’s own ...
What is Buddhism? The Buddhism, an organized religion of the sixth Century BC, was founded by Gautama or Prince Sidhartha in the Himalyan region based upon his supreme achievement of “Enlightenment or Awakening†– bodhi; the state of realization of an arhat or a Buddha following the four noble truths which is known as the Turning of the Wheel of the Four Noble Truths/catvari satyadharmacakra.