Psychological theories are based on the experiences of the one constructing the theory. If the Vedantic Self becomes a differentiated component of one's experience, then it will naturally weave its way into one's psychological model of the mind.... New knowledge affects the old. Such has always been the case. As we go on learning and differentiating our experience, our theories change to accomodate our growth. In this case, if the existence of the ...
The Vedantic myth differs from the Jungian myth in that there is a point of completion, or a winning of the game, which is not true in Jung’s conception. For Jung, the process of individuation is an ongoing process which is never completed.The Vedantin would look at Jung’s process of individuation differently, in reference to the meaning of life. The nature of the Self revealed in the Upanisads is limitless, non-dual, and whole. Liberation is ...