The introduction of financial controls in the corporate enterprises was necessitated by the funds crunch faced by corporate majors. The public sector has accepted the need for introducing financial controls for overcoming resource deficit and superior utilization of available resources. Financial controls is an evolving term and includes techniques such as internal audit, business budgeting, transfer pricing, financial management information system, and ...
This book presents the macro view of State Public Sector Undertakings in India also known as the State Level contains rare insights into the financial profile of these enterprises. Besides incorporating information about imports financial aggregates of SPSUs, the position with regard to the scenario of disinvestments in the various states has been extensively discussed in the book. the methods, techniques, institutional structure and the fall outs of ...
This book is an attempt to study and analyse the functioning of the State Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) in India. The book is based on a study completed for the department of public enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries and public enterprises, Government of India, New Delhi and Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi. The book covers all the states and some union territories. The information contained in the book has been culled out from ...
Public Enterprises (PEs) in India are undergoing a strategic transformation. The changes relating to PEs concern their form, legal framework, functional organization, autonomy and accountability, efficiency and productivity, fitment into the broad framework of economic liberalization, response to globalization, and integration with the national and international markets dealing with labour, capital and technology. The present volume comprises of the occasional ...
Public enterprise reforms occupy the central place in the scheme of economic reforms in India. In many developing countries opting for economic reforms, public enterprise reforms have come at the beginning of the cycle of economic reforms. In India, it has not happened so and the results are there for us to see. The present book makes an attempt to present a case for reforming public enterprises in India and also the agenda for action for this purpose. It ...