Showing all 6 books
The book is a short guide on tonsillitis – approach to a patient, management and treatment. The author, from his vast clinical experience points out how a surgery and its consequences can be avoided by proper homeopathic management. The author points out that tonsillectomy is not the answer to tonsillitis, as it does not cure the condition but makes it worse. He has cited several examples wherein tonsillectomy was followed by more serous ailments like ...
A 10 volume treasure. It is the best reference book of the present day. The information is a grand record of confirmed symptoms seen in over 50 years of practice.
This book is intended to be a guide, by the aid of which, in many cases of disease, a cure may be effected with homoeopathic medicines. Those whom experience has convinced of the advantages of the system of Hahnemann, will soon learn how to make use of it; and to those who have had no opportunity of testing the merits of homoeopathy, it will give a chance of trying it, instead of the so-called domestic remedies.
A 10-volume treasure rearranged in 5 volumes in a larger format. It is the best reference book of the present day. The information is a grand record of confirmed symptoms seen in over 50 years of practice. It is an invaluable resource to the homoeopathic practitioner and should be one of the first “larger†purchases when one is looking for a very complete material medica. To make the book user friendly a new computerized font has been used. To facilitate the ...
The real object in preparing this work` has been to give in *a condensed form, to the student of Homoeopathy, such absolutely necessary material as would enable him, in a comparatively short time, to gain knowledge of such important leading symptoms and conditions as are characteristic of each remedy - knowledge which is imperatively necessary for everyday practice. The large and more complete works present by their size, if by nought else, great obstacles to the ...
The book contains 48 chapters, in the Hahnemannian schema - from Mind and Disposition through Fever and ending with "Stages of life" and "Relationship with other drugs." At about Chapter 40 Hering interspersed several chapters on Relation to Time and Relation to Space - i.e., moving, standing, changing place, etc. Section 43 is called "Sensations Classified" and has a two page index. He uses four signs based on Bonninghausen’s four ...