D.D. Sharma

Showing all 19 books
In this revised version of 'Advances in Dairy Animal Production', information has been updated and emerging areas in the field of animal production such as bypass nutrients, enhancement of CLA content in milk, interactions of minerals and vitamins, genetically modified foods, manufacturing complete feed and livestock in relation to environment have been delineated. Up to date information on current topics has been provided specially that generated from Indian ...
Volume Title: Pt. 1. Emerging opportunities in entrepreneurship; Pt. 2. Case studies in entrepreneurship; Pt. 3. Dynamics of entrepreneurship.
Cultural History of Uttarakhand is an outcome of many years of keen observation of the linguistic and cultural phenomena of the whole Himalayan region, right from Ladakh in the west to Bhutan in the east and an intensive study of ancient Indian literature and of the historical incidents that have taken lace in these Central Himalayan regions, particularly in the land termed as Uttarakhand. Though there are some works, both in Hindi and English, on the history and ...
The present volume seven of the series, ‘Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Languages? presents a detailed account of strikingly conversing phonological, morphological and syntactic features of Munda and Himalayan languages belonging to two ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous groups of people of the Indian sub-continent, presently inhabiting distant lands, thousands of miles away from one another and intervened by people of different ethnic and linguistic ...
The present volume on Tribal Languages of Ladakh is the second part of the Vol. VI of the series: Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Languages. In the first part of it, which appeared in 1998, a detailed descriptive account of Brogskad, a little known language of the Dokpas of Brog-yul (Upper Sind Valley) has been presented and the descriptive analysis of the two other speeches of the Ladakh region, viz., Balti and Purki, are being presented in the forthcoming third ...
The present volume on Tribal Languages of Ladakh is the first part of the Vol. VI of series Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Language. It has been devoted to porok-skad, a little kown tribal language of Brog-yul, in the Himalayan district of Ladakh. The aim of this volume is to present a detailed descriptive account of a language which, due to geographical reasons, has remained unexplored, though occupies an important place among the speeches of Dardic groups, on ...
"Tibeto-Himalayan Languages of Uttarakhand" is the third volume of the Series ‘Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Languages'. This volume like the volume II, consists of two parts, of which the present volume is the part one. It has been devoted to the Tibeto-Himalayan languages of the Rangkas group; spoken by the people of Rang tribe (Popularly termed as Bhotias) of the District Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand. These languages due to valuable preservations of ...
This volume on the ‘Tribal Languages of Himachal Pradesh’ is the second part of the volume II of the series Studies in Tibeto-Himalayan Languages. It contains a detailed structural analysis of 4 tribal languages of Himachal Pradeesh, viz. Spitian, Nyamkad, Chhithkuli and Kanashi. The linguistic account presented in it is based on the first hand recording of it from the field itself by a trained linguist. This is the work in which these little known tribal ...
Linguistic Geography or Areal Linguisties, has, in recent decades, assumed an added significance all over the world, due to its historical andsociology importance. In this work, perhaps for the first times, theareal variants of the item in question have been organized into different areal groups in accordance with their converging and diverging points, along with explanatory notes on their salient phonological and morphophonemic features, besides kthegeographical ...
Peculiar Customs and Rites of the Himalayan People is an outcome of the more than 20 years personal acquaintance with the socio-cultural life style of the Himalayan peoples, inhabiting from Ladakh in the West to human in the east, besides, some of the studies relating to the people of various Himalayan regions have also have supplemented to the data already collected from the fields by the author during his linquistic survey of the4se regions from the year 1975 ...
This volume is the first one on the grammatical studies of the languages of the Himalayan group. Moreover, it occuples a unique position in the history of Indian linguistics, because no scholar, Indian or foreigner, has undertaken, seriously, an exhaustive and comprehensive comparative study off all the phonological and morphological features of all the speeches belonging to Himalayan regions of India, Nepal and Butan. As such the present work containing a ...
The underlying idea of bringing out this books is to highlight the environmental concerns which need to be addressed by the industry for providing sustainable development and also to bring out the various business opportunities in the area of green entrepreneurship which can be taken up by potential entrepreneurs without causing any environmental degradation. The book is divided into three parts. Part I entitled “Basic Issues in Green ...
Some Aspects of British Administration in Orissa (1912-1936) is a systematic account of the history of Orissa during the period it was tagged with Bihar. For an integrated account of the British Indian history, such regional surveys of different parts of India would help to indicate the process of change which was coming over India during the early decades of the 20th century. A detailed account of the main aspect of the British administration and policy, such as ...
Today, countries all over the world are emerging into knowledge economies. The click and portal have been transforming traditional brick and mortar economies of various nations into knowledge economies. The world has come to a transitional phase and is being metamorphosed into a global village. Information technology, multimedia and telecommunication advancements have brought about the revolutionary change. Internet has created a very appropriate and effective ...
The book is an outcome of more than 20 years of compilation, analysis and study of related scriptural and historical literature on the subject of Indian anthroponomy. In a way it is a unique contribution to anthroponomics in general and the Indian anthroponomy in Particular. Moreover, it is for the first time that the subject has been dealt with form various linguistic, socio-cultural and historical viewpoints, right from the Vedic period to the modern age. There ...
The present book is a very significant document on promoting entrepreneurship amongst potential women and rural entrepreneurs of our country. The book is aimed at orienting this category of persons towards concepts, principles and practices of entrepreneurship and self employment. The ultimate objective is to convert a significant fraction of this population to opt for self employment and entrepreneurship as a better carrier option. The youth must set up and ...