Showing all 3 books
The present selection includes some very fine short stories by D.H. Lawrence. The opening piece of the collection, The Rocking Horse Winner, has a shocking lesson to teach through an ambitious young boy's flight of fancy; the symbolic use of the rocking horse makes it a superbly impressive story. Glad Ghosts is yet another short story representing Lawrence's treatment of supernatural. The Woman Who Rode Away is the grim tale of a woman from the civilized world ...
This book is a compilation of classic short stories by five great British writers - Oscar Wilde, Hector Hugh Munro, D H Lawrence, Joseph Conrad and Charles Dickens. Though not necessarily representative of the authors' complete works, the stories have been carefully chosen to showcase their versatility and skill as storytellers. The collection covers an extraordinary range of themes, styles and settings, allowing the reader to get a glimpse of another world ...
In this volume are included classics as The Prussian Officer, Odor of Chrysanthemums, The Horse-dealer's daughter, Sun and The Woman Who Rode Away.