Showing all 6 books
Horticultural crops not only provide us with nutritional and healthy foods but also generate a cash income to growers. Appropriate storage and transport all contribute to the good produce quality. Once a crop is harvested it is impossible to improve its quality.
One man who probably understood the art and technique of filmmaking better than most of his contemporaries was Dadasaheb Phalke. His landmark film 'Raja Harishchandra' is considered as India's first feature film. Dadasaheb Phalke Awards, instituted in the memory of this icon of Indian cinema, are given every year since 1969 to those film personalities who have made outstanding contribution to the growth and development of Indian cinema in various ...
Contributed articles dealing with the concept of lease financing and the legal and accounting processes involved in this lucrative business.
A systematic approach to understand the symptoms and causes of sickness in industries by formulating a discriminant model which can predict sickness in industries with 90 percent accuracy.