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Spherical trigonometry is a branch of spherical geometry which deals with polygons (especially triangles) on the sphere and the relationships between the sides and the angles, whereas spherical astronomy or positional astronomy is the branch of astronomy that is used to determine the location of objects on the celestial sphere, as seen at a particular date, time, and location on the earth.The present publication is divided into two sections i.e. Spherical ...
The present venture is the publication of live collections of plants or plants under cultivation in different botanic gardens and arboreta. This will serve as ready reference of the stock of plants maintained by the botanic gardens, experimental gardens and arboreta, the rare, endangered, threatened and endemic plants in particular. In case of any necessity either for conservation, utilization and identification one can easily find out in which garden(s) those ...
The present publication is written to meet the requirements of undergraduate students of Indian Universities. The topics included in the text is according to the new pattern of University Grants Commission. The Subject matter, both as regards the arrangement of chapters as well as the contents of each chapter has been so graded, proceeding from simple to more difficult topics, that a students may follow the course with great ease and interest. All important ...
The present publication is written to meet the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students of several Indian Universities. The topics included in the text are according to the new pattern of University Grants Commission. The subject matter both as regards the arrangement of chapters as well the contents of each chapter has been so graded, proceeding from simple to more difficult topics, that a student may follow the course with great ease and ...
This publication on "Plants of the Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah" is indeed an inclusive and colourful work on floral inventory of this renowned garden. Indian Botanic Garden (Erstwhile East India Company Garden or Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta), established by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Kyd and spread in ca 273 acres, celebrated its bicentenary in 1987 under the auspices of the Botanical Survey of India. The garden has been playing very important role ...