D.V. Singh

Showing all 7 books
Contents: Technical session 1. Changing role library and information professionals library leadership and communication.; Technical session 2. Information processing and knowledge organization information and knowledge management.; Technical session 3. Library consortia and institutional repositories content creation and content management systems digital.
Diseases are one of the major constraints in the profitable cultivation of crops. The destructive role of plant diseases by preventing the realization of maximum yield has become quite difficult in recent years. This is perhaps due to high crop density obtained by using high rate of fertilizers and other agronomic practices is conducive for the multiplication of plant pathogens. The problem is particularly serious in monocropped area. This edited book ...
In most of the developing countries the rural masses are partially dependent upon forest resources for domestic needs of food, fodder, fuel and timber etc. The traditional fuels such as fire wood and agricultural residues are generally used for cooking and heating in rural areas. These necessities are to be fulfilled either from own farm resources, i.e. own trees (farm forestry) or from the public/government forests. This book is designed as an introduction to ...
This book is intended for students, researchers, farmers or any layperson interest in poisonous plants. Starting from first chapter, which gives an introduction of poisonous plants, it covers different types of plat toxins, classification, types, poisonous garden plants, poisonous cultivated plants, parts of common plants which are poisonous, poisonous wild plants, poisonous algae, fungi, lichens and ferns also. A separate chapter on poisonous mushrooms has also ...
Overexploitation and improper management of natural resources cause threat to the sustainability of production systems and lead to environmental degradation. Conservation of natural resources is an issue of utmost concern for sustainable development and improvement of livelihood securities. Towards this, several programmes/schemes of state/central Govts. are being implemented in the country with major focus on participatory watershed management. South India ...