Digumarti Bhaskara Rao

57 books
India is committed to provide education for all and the new national policy on education is the guiding soul in that process. The union government along with state governments has taken up a good number of steps to improve the status of universalisation of elementary education, to expand secondary education, to enrich higher education, to enhance the efficiency of technical and vocational education, to elevate adult education programmes and to popularise open ...
Administration is a comprehensive effort to direct, guide and integrate associating human strivings which are focussed towards some specific ends or aims. Educational administration enables the right pupils to receive the right education from the right teachers. It is absolutely necessary to evolve an efficient system of educational administration as millions of children being educated in schools. Considering the merits and limitations of the present day school ...
Job satisfaction is a primary requisite for any successful teaching learning process. It is a complex phenomenon involving various personal, institutional and social aspects. If the teachers attain adequate job satisfaction, they will be in a position to fulfill the educational objectives and national goals. Identifying the importance of job satisfaction in the life and career of teachers, a study was undertaken to identify the job satisfaction of secondary ...
Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced the non-detention system, a system of automatic promotion, at the school level realising that education is best imparted in an atmosphere of free progress where the incentive and urge to improve spring from within the educational process rather than from the terror of examinations and detentions. Under this system, the students will be automatically promoted to the next class provided they put in a stipulated percentage ...
A great emphasis is placed, now-a-days, on achievement right from the beginning of formal education. Achievement is a paramount importance, particularly in the present socio-economic and cultural contexts. It is a task-oriented behaviour that allows the individual’s performance to be evaluated according to some internally or externally imposed criterion that involves some standard of excellence. Many teachers face several problems in teaching. These problems ...
The population of the world of today is faced by a challenge that could threaten even its survival in the near future because of biological weapons and warfare. Biological weapons are not difficult to produce, relatively easy to hide, and, in the hands of unscrupulous desperate terrorists, could cause incredible damage to large populations anywhere in the world. The use of biological weapons in war and/or otherwise as a means of mass distruction may lead to ...
Cultural identity and family values are largely passed on to new generations by women, but their access to information and education is limited in many parts of the world. Under this circumstance, UNESCO commissioned a study to make a comparative analysis of women as educators in the family, in the school, in the community and in the public life in the nine high population countries—Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and ...
Man from time immemorial has been striving hard to make his life happy and avoid suffering. But a look at human existence does show that man is always exposed to suffering, physical or mental or spiritual. The general spirit that runs through all orthodox schools is that the genesis of human suffering lies in man’s ignorance concerning the true nature of the self. No other thinker was as sensitive as Buddha to the fact of dukkha and it is this sensitivity to ...
Millennium Summit of the United Nations was held from 6 to 8 September 2000 at the United Nations Head Quarters, New York. The millennium summit, the largest-ever gathering of world leaders—heads of State or Government or their representatives – addressed a host of issues under the official theme ‘The United Nations in the 21 Century’. In this book, details of the millennium summit, Secretary-General’s millennium report, plenary, closing statements and ...
Considering the fact that good education requires good techers, the General conference of UNESCO selected ‘The Role of Teachers in a Changing World’ as the theme for the 45th session of International Conference on Education. The principle objective of the ICE was the promotion of policies designed to strengthen teachers’ prestige and their participation in the process of educational and social change. A series of regional meetings were organised before the ...
Psychology and Education are the two sides of the same coin and arre interwoven inseparable. As one of the major player in educational enterprise, the psychology influences the curriculum to a large extent. Considering the inter-relationship between Psychology and Curriculum, this book on “Psychology and Curriculum†is written to provide pre-service and in-service teachers an opportunity to study and appraise diverse schools off thought in determining ...
School is a formal place where a prescribed curriculum is implemented by the teachers during a definite duration of time to realise the aims of education and goals of the state. Now-a-days, as schools are not longer just places where children acquire education, it is the responsibility of all concerned to successfully conduct the school programme with multi-faceted components. In response to this demand, this book on successful schooling is prepared for the ...
Creativity is the very life blood of human civilization. It is the potentiality which influences human activity in almost all spheres of life. Most of the changes and advancements in the society are the products of creativity. The future of the mankind mainly depends upon the creative abilities of its people. Considering the importance of creativity, this study has been taken up to study the creativity of junior college students. The results indicate that girls ...