E.D. Setty

Showing all 12 books
As the name of the title suggests, this volume contains thirty eight articles and papers on different themes. Packed with facts and figures and case studies from different countries, these present a panoramic view of dynamics of human development efforts. Based on empirical field study by the author as a Village Level Workers for a period of ten years from 1953-1963 and as a Lecturer in Gandhigram Rural Institute for a period of seven years and as a faculty ...
New Approaches to Rural Development is a comprehensive volume tracing the genesis and evolution of rural development programme in India focusing on objectives, ideology, concepts, philosophy and methods of initiating development activities in rural communities. It emphasizes the need for understanding the structure and nature or rural communities and the way to plan, organize, introduce and manage developmental programmes. The book in detail spells out the ...
There are number of books on training but the one in your hand is rather distinct. It is a practical guide covering the whole course of training activity right from the assessing of training needs, designing and offering of training and evaluation of training. The critical side of the book spells out some pitfalls and lacunae one finds at various phases of training programmes offered today at some of the training institutes. Training, in a broad sense, is a ...
Noting down the day-to-day events that struck the authors’s mind way back some 50 years ago and giving them the shape in a book form is a reflection of his strong desire to present to the readers and book lovers his thoughts, impressions, comments on people, places and books, actions and reactions etc. This volume contains his notings spanning over a period of 35 years from 1964 to 1999 and mentions about the places and countries he visited during this period. ...
Rural development is a generic concept, subsuming several fields of development that fall under economic development, democratic growth and social justice. There have been several scores of books on this subject. The present volume emphasizing clinical approach spells out the significant factors that the planner, the organizer, the administrator and the field worker has to take care of and be sensitive in understanding people, their needs and problems and working ...
All of us have a typical way of living life with a diverse understanding. This way of life develops because we seek some understanding of our own significance. Much of any person’s life style is shaped by his culture or upbringing, he grows and develops. The influence during the formative years is powerful. However, aspects may gradually evolve as the person gradually through his or her life. Exposure to different cultural practices or mores, or changes in ...
The volume covers the need, the way to go about developing entrepreneurship, in general, and specifically among women of diverse socio-economic background. Besides the introduction, the book consists of eleven chapters namely Women in Society; A Model for Developing Agro-Enterprises Among Farm Women in Asia; Empowerment and Development of the Poor through their Participation – A Case Study from Bangladesh; Role of Banks in Entrepreneurship Development; ...
This book describes in a historical and evolutionary sense the primordial diversity of belief system of man and the associated rituals, taboos, sacrifices and value system as part of a local or ethnic culture. It looks into the concepts of god which is one area so vast and the attempts of man right from ancient times till today spread over different parts of the globe how he has dreamt, visualized, conceptualized and imagined the reality of god. The very field as ...
The volume in general speaks of humanistic and constitution need in terms of empowerment of women detailing the various government orders and institutional building and measures initiated by various departments in empowering womenfolk. One could see the measures comprising economic, social, educational more importantly entrepreneurial in providing opportunities especially to the women below poverty line. The success of empowering women is a two way approach. Men ...
One visible, often ignored, sometimes disguised, painful and deplorable human problems is poverty. Poverty is a complex problem not merely related to food, it embraces other minimal needs and necessities for human individuals such as shelter, clothing, health, sanitary living literacy and some dependable means of survival. Poverty is largely prevalent in underdeveloped and developed countries. Poverty is there, we don't need to elaborate and go in for microscopic ...
Rural development is a generic concept, subsuming several fields of development that fall under economic development, democratic growth and social justice. There have been several scores of book on this subject. The present volume emphasizing clinical-field approach spells out the significant factors that the planners, the organizers, the administrators and the field workers have to take care of and be sensitive in understanding people, their needs and problems ...