Showing all 6 books
The book on Darjeeling Tea A Golden Brew outlined the history of Darjeeling tea, Roles of British and Indian Planters and Characteristics and uniqueness of Darjeeling tea, Madhukar Committee Report, Problems of Small tea Growers, Special Purpose Vehicle etc. The book analyzed the problems of the Industry with reference to field and factory operations, employment and Sales on the basis of field data. Further, the Health of the Industry and future prospects ...
The treatise on "Global Tea Trade: Dimensions and Dynamics" not only concentrates on the mechanisms involved in production and marketing, and exports of tea for major tea producing countries of the world, but also highlights import pattern and re-exports of tea in non-tea producing countries. First of all the Indian tea trade issues has been discussed and dealt elaborately in the book. The China's Pue'r tea that has miraculous functions like nutritive, ...
The voluminous treatise on Tea Industry--a Road Map Ahead, by G.D. Banerjee and Srijeet Banerji is a monumental work detailing an overview of tea industry, which classifies the botany of tea, traces the history of tea leaf, development tea industry during 1950 to 2007, dynamics of auction system in India and abroad, product diversification. Manufacturing of China's black, green, Oolong and other teas and China's special Pu'er tea with medicinal qualities. The ...