Darjeeling Tea: The Golden Brew

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The book on Darjeeling Tea A Golden Brew outlined the history of Darjeeling tea, Roles of British and Indian Planters and Characteristics and uniqueness of Darjeeling tea, Madhukar Committee Report, Problems of Small tea Growers, Special Purpose Vehicle etc.  The book analyzed the problems of the Industry with reference to field and factory operations, employment and Sales on the basis of field data. Further, the Health of the Industry and future prospects with policies was discussed.  The book will be very helpful to academician, planners, policy formulating authorities, students and those who involved directly or indirectly in tea production, marketing, trade etc.


Gangadhar Banerjee (YoB-1950), M A (Eco), Phd (Eco), LLB served both as a college and University teachers for sometimes.  He worked in Agro-Economic Research Centre, Santiniketan; Rice Research Project, Govt, of West Bengal; Sundarban Development Board, Development and Planning Department, Govt. of West Bengal; Tea Board, India, Kolkata; UP State Planning Board, Lucknow; National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi; India Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.  He joined as Agricultural Economist in Reserve Bank of India and switched to NABARD where he served as Faculty Member for 15 years in its training establishment.  At present Dr. Banerjee is serving as Deputy General Manager cum Officer-in-Charge in NABARD Nagaland Regional Office.  He published four books and contributed more than 200 papers in National and International Journal.  He experienced both as academician and practitioner in the fields of agriculture, allied rural and social sectors.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Srijeet Banerjee

Srijeet Banerjee (b. 1986), B.Sc (Computer) is a freelance writer.  He has written number of articles in many journals of national interest and national dailies.


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Darjeeling Tea: The Golden Brew
1st ed.
xiii+561p., Tables; Figures; References; Index; 26cm.