G K Ghosh

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India perhaps the only country which has maximum contribution in textile to the world right from the era of Indus valley civilisation till today. Even today Indias handlooms and spinning wheel contributes largest variation of designs. India gives the finest textile like muslim brightest textile like silk cheapest textile like jute and strongest textile like ramie. It continued to flourish inspite of onslaughlat of British Government legally by enacting the ...
Textile is an important item of our life, from essential to style. As style grew beyond essentiality people now ready to pay more knowing well that they are paying much higher than actual material value. As population grows therefore demand for textile increases at galloping rate. The textile is now being produced from various materials like cotton, silk, wool, sythetics and rayon thus textile from these items may be considered as conventional textiles. As demand ...
Caryapada is the ancient literature written by Mystic Buddhist saints during eighth century A.D. A number of literatures of Eastern India such as Maithili, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese. Bishnupriya claim that their literature flourished on these mystic poetry. In fact, in subsequent literature, all these languages, impact of Caryapada has been noticed. The book covers literary development of all these languages, during subsequent period, starting from Caryapada and ...
Games are played as pleasure, to ensure better physique to participants and of course for entertainment. Various games were developed round the globe which varied up to certain proportion depending on environmental and social situations. Manipur is a tiny land situated at North Eastern corner of India which was subject to influence from various streams of human races thus formed an unique culture. It has influence on their games and sports too. The book deals ...
There are three hundred types of plants in palm family found all over the world. There are sugar yielding palm, oil yielding palm etc. The book deals with eight types of palm trees commonly found giving details of their virtues like Medicined virtue, edible oil, craft, sugar and various value added products out of them. The book also deals with various taper communities, various organisations working in palm sector, their strength and weakness besides ...
Manipur State is a wonderful land, a land of talented Meithes and tribes who live in the lap of nature full of beauty. The land is blessed with herbs, in many case rare herbs which was used by the local doctors the 'Maibas' and the 'Maibis' for generations. Though it was not possible to get information on all the herbs available in this tiny land, a humble attempt has been made to highlight few selected herbs available in Manipur giving details of virtues, ...
Manipur, the land of gems is an unique land of wonderful people. The people of Manipur are known for matchless beauty and matchless skilled. They are known to produce crafts unique in their own way, some are known while some are unknown. The crafts grow with patronage of the Kings and nobles but set backs during Burmese invasion and after independence when patronage was withdrawn. The book covers all types of crafts for which the land is known giving detailed ...
Ikat is otherwise known as tie and dye textile design known round the world. Some experts are of the opinion that the technology came from far eastern countries since the term Ikat is of Malayan origin. But study reveals it started and developed in India also at least in certain clusters like Orissa, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh and upto certain extent in north, east and north eastern India. The book made a detailed study on this craft, comparative studies of ...
North Eastern India is a unique land fondly called the land of seven sisters representing seven unique states known for creativity, artistic genre and culture. Textile in this land is unique in the sense that all types of textiles technology from primitive to modern co-exist equally creating wonderful spectra of designs. What is most exclusive being every woman barring a few are the expert weavers and caste barrier or tribe barrier never comes on the way. It is ...
Brahmins are considered as a caste of highest order in accordance to Hindu Chaturbarna system. Though it is normally believed that the Brahmin is a single community, it is not actually so. Besides geographical and linguistic divisions this community is divided and sub-divided into a number of fractions. This aspect is discussed in the book besides mythological stories connected with the origin of this supreme caste. Though considered as supreme caste, the women ...
"The book deals with women of Manipur belonging to various groups and subgroups, their job and sorrow, impact of various races on them, their contribution to the society at large and action and plan to develop them from various angle, social, economic and political. The book, it is expected shall be useful for planners, social scientists, tourists and various scholare who have interest on Manipur and women development."
Homo Sapiens live with disasters and they learnt to combat various ways. There are combat various ways. There are various types of disasters we confront may be natural or man made or may be both together. India is also a disaster prone country where we face accidents, floods, earthquake, communal riots, political backlash, war insurgency, and so on. The book has covered all types of disasters, analysed each an given solution how to manage it. It is a complete ...
Environment is very important for our future sustenance. Development process is also equally important. Therefore, considering two aspects we must have sustainable development. Environment does not mean only aspects of effluents but it is the way of life including way of living condition, sanitation, habitant and income for minimum need for living conditions. The book discusses various aspects of above covering all the sectors analyzing various data and as far as ...
Environment is very important for our future sustenance. Development process is also equally important. Therefore, considering two aspects we must have sustainable development. Environment does not mean only aspects of effluents but it is the way of life including way of living condition, sanitation, habitat and income for minimum need for living conditions. The book discusses various aspects of above covering all the sectors analysing various data and as far as ...
In order to sustain comfortably human beings need materials for manufacture and construction. During various parts of the history various types of materials were used such as iron, copper and latest being the plastics. The sources of these materials were not plastics. The sources of these materials were not renewable and most of them are not biodegradable. Thus they are not eco-friendly. With environmental concern we are back to the ...
Industrial agriculture in industrial countries and green revolution in developing and poor countries made us mad. It was a opinion that we have solved food problem at last. Soon the dream was broken as it caused environmental disaster, increase in pesticide resistant pests and fall of land fertility. Based on the experience integrated pest management was planned and organic agriculture was encouraged. The book deals with bio-pesticide and bio-insecticide of ...